Chapter 5: Hangman

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"You're beautiful, but you're empty...One couldn't die for you. Of course, an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you together, since she's the one I've watered. Since she's the one I put under glass, since she's the one I sheltered behind the screen. Since she's the one for whom I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three butterflies). Since she's the one I listened to when she complained, or when she boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing at all. Since she's my rose."
- Little Prince

Chapter 5:


''We have to go in! Murphy isn't the person to keep his word! We need to help them, they might as well be dead while you move your asses. Bellamy said he'll be back , and if he's not at least Clarke would!!'' I said. I felt as if my blood was boiling. I couldn't wait for these 3 to move so we can save a life or maybe even 2 lives! They were being irrational, they couldn't see the bigger picture * Bellamy wasn't back, 20 minutes have passed. Something must have gone wrong!

''I know what Bellamy said and we are staying here until he signals us to come.'' He said furiously. He knew what was in stake here, two of our leaders were gone, we are waiting on the inevitable, if we stay - Clarke and Bellamy will die! But I wasn't about to let her die. Him? maybe, but her? never. I love her.

''Look, I'm going in. With or without you, I don't really care.'' I said,determination in my voice. Just as I finished, something moved right across us. Everyone was quiet, waiting. We hid behind the bushes. I couldn't see quite clear from this distance, but what I saw wasn't good. Couple of the 100 - all guys -were exiting the cave, right after them there was Bellamy, his hands were tied with a thick light rope, the one we used back at the camp. Right after them Clarke exited with Murphy, I noticed red stains on her shirt - blood, it looked fresh. Murphy was holding her by the ropes, it seemed as if she was in pain. We couldn't aim with our guns from this far. We were helpless - and I guess Murphy knew we were here.


I was afraid, nothing we did was good enough to get us out of this mess and we tried everything. We had to accept the inevitable. They seemed to be leading us behind the cave,we walked for about 5 minutes. When we finally stopped, the sighting was pleasant.. there was a lot of grass and some trees but these trees weren't as concentrated as they were in other parts of the forest. There was a couple of them, but one in particular that stood out. It was enormous compared to others, it's branches were thick and strong. Although the sighting was pleasant, my thoughts were not. I was thinking of horror, from what Murphy told me I gathered he'd hang Bellamy or I. As a revenge, for what we did to him, or to rephrase - what we didn't stop, while others hanged him. We were the leaders and we let one of ours down...

I honestly hoped I was wrong to think all that.

''Princess, how do you feel sitting in the 1st row of this magnificent play?'' Murphy said joyfully
He must have been referring to the sighting and us as his pawns. But he already said it, Bellamy is to go first and I was to watch him die, helpless.

He went up to me and traced his hand across my face. I was irritated by his touch, his hands were big but rough. The feeling was as if you put sand paper on your face and dragged it across, carelessly.


My fists clenched as Murphy traced his hand across Clarke's face. I wanted to rip him apart for hurting her. I didn't know where it all came from but I've been feeling like this since she collapsed in my arms, when Murphy first appeared after his banishment. We still didn't get the answers concerning how he survived out in the wild alone, and why was he all bloody when we found him.
He started laughing as if someone just joked, but no one even said a word. I looked at him with confusion. A smirk appeared on his face, telling me something is about to go down, something he liked a lot.

I turned around to the sound of the branches and their leaves brushing against each other, I saw Finn, Miller and Kol. I never thought I'd be happy to see Spacewalker, but in these situations happiness was a rough term to use.


I was still disgusted by Murphy's touch. He turned to Bellamy and signaled the other 3 guys with us *I think their name was - Dax, Mike and Tom* They were apparently dumb enough to follow Murphy.
One guy held Bellamy while the other tied a rope around his neck and then tied it around a tree. Bellamy's hands were still tied as well, the thickness of rope tearing into his skin already. Dax lifted him while Murphy laughed.

''MURPHY STOP!'' I said, tears coming down my cheeks. I watched him as he took his last remaining breaths. ''There is nothing you can do know Clarke.'' He replied to me watching me suffer. He was glad, he was enjoying this.

''Please! I'll do anything, just please let him live!'' I begged, immediately falling on to my knees. ''Your anything means nothing to me. It's done, you can either watch it and go next or join him now.'' I turned my head from the horror I was seeing, the movement caught my eye. It was Finn accompanied with Kol and Miller. I had hope, but that hope wasn't going to bring back Bellamy if they don't hurry. I nodded slightly to Finn, signaling him, he can comprehend the situation I'm about to create. I am going to buy them time, as much as I could. I rose to my feet ready, it couldn't get worst than this. ''Fine, tie me up with him. At least we both die, you could watch us as our throats thicken, struggling for our last remaining breath - together.'' it seemed to have worked, he was intrigued and satisfied. He made a slightly movement with his head, pointing towards me. Dax still held Bellamy while Tom and Mike tied rope around my neck. Bellamy's face, his blank but tearful look. It was clear he made his choice, it was either life or death.. but in our case - death was closer.

''Hey Murphy?! How about you set a fair fight for them? Why so cowardly?!'' Finn yelled to him, a slightly smirk appeared on Bellamy's face. ''Hey, Spacewalker you couldn't stay away huh?'' Bellamy shot him a grateful but cocky look.

Miller appeared behind Finn, holding a gun. He shot Tom, a single bullet through the heart. Dax released Bellamy from his arms and ran in to the forest. Kol got to him before he could take another step. Bellamy started choking, struggling for air.

''FINN!!!'' I yelled at him, pointing towards Bellamy. Finn lifted him within seconds - that was close huh? Miller helped him with untying the ropes, Murphy realized there's no way to win now. Only him and Mike were left. Kol ran towards me, quickly untying the ropes, I finally felt free.

Bellamy jumped Murphy while Miller shot Mike, Murphy falling on the ground and Bellamy right above him. He started punching him, he broke his nose, blood all over Murphy's face.

''Bellamy STOP!'' I demanded ''This isn't your call to make Princess!'' he replied

"Yeah you're right, but we don't decide who lives and dies!'' He shot me a furious look, madness written all over himself. He stopped. He rose to his feet and told Miller to give him his gun. Without question, he did and Bellamy pointed it towards Murphy.

''Bellamy you don't have to be like this! You don't have to pretend to be a monster'' I yelled ''You're wrong, I'm not pretending Princess, I am a monster-'' He shot me a hurt look. His eyes met my gaze.

"You don't have to be'' I said quietly,

"-Not with me.." looking back at Murphy then directly to Bellamy's eyes, I put my hand on Bellamy's shoulder, comforting him.

Not even seconds later - A shot was fired.


Okay so 5th chapter is done! Huh, I hope you liked that drama thing I did there! Longest chapter yet! I am overwhelmed with all the support you guys are giving me and it is my biggest pleasure to write for you and for myself. As always feel free to leave feedback or any requested scenes you'd like to see in the future chapters! --- It keeps me motivated !!! I'll update when this reaches 50 views!!!! :D

xoxo, Lea

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