Chapter 16: I can't lose him

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"I've lost so much already, I can't afford to lose you too."

Chapter 16:
I can't lose him


Scarlet and I searched the most part around the camp area looking for Bell. It was as if he'd disappeared from this world. I have this awful feeling in my chest, like something strong is wrapping my heart and at every step we'd take I'd feel it tighten even more.

''Clarke-'' Scarlet called out for me and pointed towards one of the tree.

''What's-'' I stayed speechless. I looked down at the ground in front of the tree when the glimpse of a familiar material caught my eye. I crunched down and took the material in my hand only to recognize it as nothing other than Bellamy's now bloody jacket. My breathing quickened and my heartbeat arose.

''Clarke, we need to find him now, come on.'' Scarlet placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort but it honestly didn't help at all.

''Scarlet he-'' I was cut off of my sentence due to the sobs my lips let go of. A couple of tears ran down my pale skin.

''Clarke, he's alive. Trust me! Now come on and let's hurry up before his condition changes.'' I nodded in fear but also in agreement and we headed towards the deep and dark woods.

Scarlet found someone's tracks so we followed with hope that they were Bell's. I looked down at my dad's watch and it read 3 o'clock at the morning. I was beyond tired but I couldn't stop now, not while he's out there. I feared we would be late, I feared that something happened to him while we searched or even before and that I'd never see his cocky smirk again, or laugh at his narcissism.That I'd never blush at his lame compliments, never hear the word princess again, never again be angry at someone for being so emotionless and careless or never again feel the warmth of his embrace.
A new feeling started filling up my heart, this feeling was warm but yet hard as stone. It overwhelmed me at the moment and I had to regain my posture with holding on to the nearest tree around me.

''Clarke, please promise me something.'' Scarlet said with a questionable but a very warm look. Her dark brown hair fell across her face perfectly. I couldn't believe such a beautiful girl ended up being one of the grounders. Well, now she is with us. Almost everyone accepted her but some of the 100 still need some time to adjust to this new land and people.

''Mm?'' I mumbled.

''If we find him alive, please tell him how you feel.'' I looked at her with confusion but my eyes indicated something entirely else. ''Don't make the same mistake I did.'' I turned my questionable look towards her and she began explaining.

"Down here, with my clan, you'd fall in love about only once in your lifetime and I had that. I had it all but I never told him I loved him.'' I looked down while a single tear escaped my eye, dropping onto the ground. ''He died while fighting against Azgeda, the Ice Nation. He never knew how I felt. I can't stop thinking about it. The worst part is, he died protecting me from them and i didn't even get to say goodbye.. his body was never returned to us.'' She let a tear slip down her cheek but she quickly wiped it off with the sleeve of the dark hoodie the one of the 100 gave her.

''I'm sorry.'' I said.

''Don't be, you have an opportunity to change that, you can prevent it from happening to you.'' She said calming herself down slowly.

''I-'' I started but couldn't find the words to speak with.

''I know you might not realize it, but I see the way you look at him. There is something building up between you two and both of you know it.''

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