Chapter 12: Scarlet

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"I was an angel, living in the garden of the devil."

Chapter 12:



I am running, I've been running for several hours now. If they catch me - I'm dead. Our commander, Anya and her second Lexa are planning on destroying all of the sky people. And why am I involved in this? Because I disagreed with their matters. They wanted to wipe them out and still do, all of the 100 innocent kids who flew from the sky. They are all around my age, 17. There is maybe a year or two difference between us, but we are all the same. Human, flesh and blood.

They came from the sky while we were born on the ground.

I don't think they are ready for what will follow, here - fear is death, weakness is death and love? Love is the biggest weakness of them all. I've been imprisoned for treason, here with my clan - trikru, speaking an opiniom about our enemies that is not in the favour of the clan earns you a death sentence. The reason why they didn't kill me was because Lexa was my best friend, practically a sister.I succeeded to escape, which means if I don't get away from the area of our village, Ton DC in time, the death will follow me and everyone I touch.
I am now, what people before called a fugitive, a traitor.

2 years ago, my family was slaughtered by the Azgeda, the Ice Nation. Since then I swore upon myself and the people I have once loved that I was never to kill again.

''No blood will be spilled by my sword and no bones will be broken by my hands.'' was the motto I went by.

Tears filled my eyes, causing my eyesight to obscure, I wiped them with the palms of my hands. Looking down I saw blood. I was shocked. 'What is happening to me?'

I saw an enormous gate, it was roughly 10 minutes away, my survival depended on the sky people, who might I add - Hated my kind.

Not 2 minutes later, an arrow struck my leg causing me to fall. We were trained for this, pain like this was nothing to us. I broke the broadhead and the fletching but it's shaft was still stuck inside my leg. I ran towards the gates, limping. My face was now covered not just in my black paint but in red too, I'd occasionally cough blood so I'd have it all around my mouth. I finally got to the gates who laid in front of me. A girl I noticed in the trees screamed out to the guards to check the outside of their camp for me. The next thing I know I was being carried by two boys when my eyes shut.

I opened my eyes only to see an unusual blonde haired girl and a tall attractive guy with black curly hair and freckles. I was still being carried by 2 boys. Someone from the crowd screamed for them to hang me, but luckily the blonde interfered and she told them to back off.

I blacked out, the last thing I felt was being carried - bridal style - to their metal box, which they called a droship? a dropish? dropship?



''My name is Scarlet''

''Hey Scarlet, nice to meet you. I'm Clarke and I'll treat you if that's okay.'' I smiled at her.

She nodded, letting me continue.
''Okay so first I have to remove the arrow shaft from your leg, this is gonna hurt, so you might wanna hold on to something and bite on the cloth?'' I asked her, handing her a piece of clean, white cloth.

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