Chapter 14: Between the Princess and the King

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"I've always had a problem with Princesses, never with lionesses."

Chapter 14:
Between the Princess and the King


New day began as I woke up to the bright and shinny sun. I put on my clean white shirt and my jacket on top of it as I exited the tent and headed towards the dropship. As I entered, to my surprise no one was injured and I even found Octavia and Monty helping out with the cleaning.

''Hey O! Hey Monty!'' I greeted them with a smile.

''Hey Clarke,why are you up so early?'' Monty asked with a confused yet satisfied smirk.

''I could ask you guys the same thing, I couldn't sleep, what's your excuse?'' I laughed.

''Well since you and Bell caught the infection of that virus I though it would be nice if we helped out with the small cleaning.'' Octavia grinned.

''Aaw, you shouldn't have! I honestly appreciate it so much and I'm sure Bellamy would to!'' I exclaimed.

''Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. What's up with you and my brother?'' Octavia asked while Monty giggled at her side.

''What do you mean?'' A light pink appeared around my cheeks.

''I mean, you two spent an awful amount of time together lately.'' She tried being serious but her wide smile couldn't escape her lips.

''Um, O. We're both leaders and friends-'' I explained, trying to avoid her gaze.

''Aha and are you like acting like that with all of your friends?'' She questioned me.

''O, I'm not the kind of a girl to sleep with a player. No offence towards you nor your brother.'' I exclaimed, feeling automatically guilty.

''True, and non taken.'' She stopped and just plain stared at me for 5 straight minutes.

''Hey O, Monty, Princess .'' Bellamy entered the dropship.

''Great! Now that you're here, you could talk to Octavia! I'm sure she's dying to interrogate you as well.'' I said as I made a 'good luck,you're doomed' face and rushed out of the med bay.


Clarke exited the med bay and left Monty, Octavia and I - alone.
''O, what was she talking about?'' I rose my eyebrows at her.

''Noooooothing.'' She replied, not so innocently.

''O?'' I calmly walked up to her, standing before her.

''Nothing I just think there's something between you two that you're not telling me!'' She snapped.

''Between Princess and I?'' I laughed

''Yes.'' Her face made a dead serious expression.

''Why would you ask that? Hell,why would you even think it?'' I raised my voice a bit higher.

''I don't know, I just-'' She struggled to speak, ''If there is something between you-'' She stopped again. In the moment, she snapped.


''I'd never do that O.'' I looked down at the metal area of the floor we had in the dropship.

''Oh yeah? Like you never broke Roma's or Harper's heart? Oh let me guess you don't even remember Emily? And how about Sara? Oh and how can I forget about Fox, Sally, Meredith, Chris and many many more?!'' She practically yelled.

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