Chapter 8: Jastavia

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"What's so wrong with commitment? We've got a whole life to live A damn lot love to give."

Chapter 8:


I woke up pretty early, not having much comfort in my own bed. It was a bit chilly, I put on my sweater and headed outside. I took a look at who was guarding the gate and saw Monty and Jasper, I walked up to them to say hi and maybe have a little chat.

''Hey Monty! Hey Jas!'' I greeted 'em

''Octavia... um, Hi!'' I guess it was still a bit awkward between us.. After the kiss we shared at the forest a few days ago. Monty looked at Jasper, he slightly giggled.

''Um hey O, would you mind taking my shift while I take a short nap? I am really tired.'' Monty asked nicely,yawning right after.

''Sure thing! Go get some rest!'' I smiled at him, maybe Jas and I can now have 'the talk'.

''Thanks! You're the best!'' Aw, thanks dude! I felt really happy. I turned to Jas and he was looking down at his muddy shoes.

''Hey Jas, is everything okay between us?'' He got a little nervous, meeting my gaze,he opened his mouth but seemed to be left speechless. I looked around us, we were alone. Just when he thought of saying something I crashed my lips into his.


I was thinking of what I could say. I really liked Octavia.. the way her hair moved while the wind hoofed, the way she smelled - her natural scent was like a thousand roses formed together and her looks.. physically she was perfect but personality wise.. she was outstanding! I have never met a person so pure and cheerful. As each day passed by, she would grow more happier, while adapting to her new surroundings. I slightly opened my mouth, ready to tell her how I feel and pray to God that she feels the same way. The butterflies in my stomach began appearing, I have never been so in love.
All of the sudden she crashed her lips into mine, I was shocked yet so happy at the same moment, I returned her kiss and we continued passionately with such emotion you could only see in the movies they played on the Ark once a month..

She broke our kiss and stared directly into my eyes, when she finally spoke.

''Jas..'' She looked nervous, you could almost sense her aura.

''Octavia..? Is everything okay?'' I didn't know what to think.. I kinda screamed in the back of my head.

''I really like you..'' A shy smile followed, it gave me no reason to doubt that.

''O?'' I looked down at the ground, teasing her.

''Jas......?'' She said worryingly

''I really like you too.'' I said with the biggest smile there is. From the ear to ear. She jumped on me, hugging me tightly and not letting go. I held her in my embrace, burying my head in the gap of her neck, smelling her hair.. She was so beautiful and I was so lucky to have her.

She broke the embrace and kissed me, quickly so no one could see. She then turned around and went to her tent, smiling.


I just woke up, I was putting my shirt on when someone busted into my tent. I turned to see Octavia smiling from ear to ear.

''What's up O? Why so happy?'' I teased her a little, she wasn't a morning person so I figured something must have happened.

''Promise you won't tell anyone?!'' She leaned in, forcing me to back away a step. Wow, what the hell is going on? Is she in love or something? I laughed at the thought of my sis being in love.

''Pinky promise.'' I said goofing around, I handed her my pinky, waiting for hers. She looked at my with a death stare before giving in.

''Fine! But the only way I'm doing this pinky thing with you is if you listen!'' She justified her silliness.
''I am all ears.''

She told me what happened with her and Jasper and she looked really happy, I think she is in love. It was hard for her to tell me that, it must have been due to my protectiveness over her.. She couldn't stop smiling, her smile was wider than any other and she shined as bright as stars do at night. She was my light in the dark and my escape. My only happiness.

''O.. just so you know, if he hurts you.. He answers to me.'' She shot me a look but then softened.

''Don't worry Bell! It won't happen!'' I smiled at her and took off, she stayed in my tent for a couple of minutes then exited and headed for the main gate - I guessed to see Jasper who was on guard duty.
I was watching her carefully, hiding my appearance so she couldn't see me.

''Wow, Bellamy I didn't find you as a stalker type.. but now that I see this'' Clarke came behind me, giggling.

''Oh. Hey, Princess how did our royal highness sleep? All good I hope?'' I teased

''I slept like a baby'' She made a cute face then walked over and sat next to me.

''They are so cute together!'' She exclaimed, I looked at her as if I was trying to find words to speak with.. so odd.

''Yes well, let's see how much it lasts.'' I crossed my arms leaning closer to the campfire, my eye still checking Jasper and O out.

We talked a bit more and made some jokes a long the way, who knew our princess could actually be fun?! Not a minute later, Finn approached her, asking her to talk - alone - She declined and continued talking to me but Finn was still standing right next to her, begging her to come with him.

She told him 'no' a couple of times now but he grabbed her arm and yanked her a bit to harsh. His grip was tightened, she groaned in slight pain.

''Finn! You're hurting me, stop!!!'' She yelled. He seemed as if he turned off everything around him and was determined to get her to talk to him, one way or the other.

''Spacewalker, she said back off.'' I was furious, I took him by his shirt and dragged him away from her. I open my mouth to speak but he punched me right in the jaw before I could say anything - forcing it to shut. My fists clenched and I tackled him to the ground. I punched him a couple of times until a soft voice screamed out my name in vain.


Wow, that was something! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy many more! This was originally supposed to be just a 'Jastavia' chapter but I couldn't just leave you with no Bellarke, now could I?
Vote, follow and comment! Next update will arrive shortly I hope and please give feedback so that I'd be motivated to write more!
Any ideas for the upcoming chapters? Leave them bellow!!!

xoxo, Lea

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