Chapter 1: Morning

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"As we come from the Earth, we return to the Earth. In between, we garden."
- unknown

Chapter 1:

It was a quiet morning, you could feel a light breeze on your skin when you moved. It wasn't as chilly as it looked. Clarke had just left her tent, she was throwing on a jacket and crossing her arms while walking away from it. She hadn't slept in days and counting. Since Raven got there she hadn't know what to do,Finn was off to pleasing her all day-every day. She opened herself up to him, she showed him her vulnerability and a side no one else knew of. She was fragile with him, and she wasn't afraid of showing it. They laughed together,shared various of beautiful moments, unique moments - or so she thought. Finn had never mentioned Raven to her, not a single thing. Then one day a girl flew down from space, with a mission to save the Ark and it just so happens to be Finn's girlfriend,he never thought of seeing again. Clarke didn't know if she  believed him,and even if she did, did it really matter? He wasn't going to leave Raven, his only remaining family and a girlfriend just for Clarke. Was it all a lie? - she thought to herself while walking through the camp towards the gate.


I was looking down at my dirty clothes. They were ripped and bloody. I squeezed my eyes for a moment, slightly frowning. While everyone else was sleeping, it was quiet, and a quite pleasant feeling overwhelmed me in the moment.

I was alone, I wasn't going to ran into Finn nor Raven. I needed it, the only guys up were the ones guarding the gates. I felt bad for them,seeing how tired they both were. But that was the life on the ground, the luxury was if you had enough sleep,were healthy, had a bite to eat and was alive - it was something most of us didn't have. My mind flew off to Wells and our last moments together. He let me hate him, his best friend. He let me hate him so I wouldn't hate my own mother who had betrayed my father and I. He was dead because of her. Tears came poring out of my eyes, I just brushed my dirty sleeves against my eyes and I silently hoped no one had seen it. I stood up from a rock I had just sat on to regain myself and walked over to the gate where two boys, around my age guarded our camp.

We exchanged a few words and I told them I got it from here. Just because I couldn't sleep, it didn't mean they couldn't either. They deserved every minute of relaxation from the last night,which they literally spent watching at the empty space or themselves. We argued a little since they weren't convinced we were going to be safe when a girl watches over a whole camp by herself. Finally they gave up and left me alone.

I heard a scream coming beyond the gate, I immediately went to check it out. My eyes caught a glimpse of a girl, screaming out in fear.  I recognized her as a member of the 100, she kept screaming and crying over something I didn't quite see. I moved closer to her, to comfort her, as much as I could. I turned to see Murphy, all bloody leaned down against a tree.

He looked dead. his lifeless body just stood there. I couldn't find any visual markings of an injury which could cause something like this. I kneeled before him to get a better look, when all of the sudden he grabbed my arm. I fell on the ground out of shock, the girl ran off into the camp, I assumed to get the others.

He was alive. His heartbeat was slow but it was still here.

I turned around to see Bellamy, Miller and 2 other boys I recognized as Jasper and Monty. Jasper wore those ridiculous goggles and was totally crushing on Octavia who is by the way Bellamy's sister and Monty was a really kind and a smart guy and Jasper's life long best friend.

Bellamy's everyday smirk disappeared and a frown followed his shocked expression. I got up and told him and the other guys what happened and how the frightened girl found Murphy here, lying on the ground pinned against a tree. His body was lifeless and he was covered in blood, you could barely make out any of his features Nonetheless he was still alive and he required immediate treatment.

''Get him inside, he needs to be treated asap!'' I demanded

Guys who accompanied Bellamy followed my demands and carried him into the camp. Bellamy tried objecting but he stopped, looking at me with a worried expression.

''Clarke, what's wrong?'' He asked
''What do you-'' I was cut of by the loss of my vision. My sight turned into pitch darkness. I blacked out and lost consciousness. Just before my eyes closed out of immediate exhaustion and every part of my body froze and fell onto the ground, I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. In that exact moment, I felt safe.

Last thing I remembered is a feeling of being carried away and then my awareness of reality stopped.


Thank you all who took your time to read my first chapter. While writing this exact sentence chapter 2 is already written and waiting for feedback on this very start of an amazing story. Feel free to leave any tips or requests in the comments down bellow. It keeps me motivated to continue writing! I hope you liked the start and will like the story I tell within! LY

    xoxo, Lea

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