Chapter 2

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Aerial: OMG! I'm so exhausted. You won by 30.

Steph: look at it in a good way....I'm a pro athlete and 26 years old. Your an aau player and 17 years are you serious! To be honest you had me kinda worried that I was going to lose. I see what your problem is tho.

Aerial: and what might that be professor!

I said and looked all dramatic while drinking my water. By this time I had no shirt on and water was falling down my abs.

Steph: when you get tired you start throwing up you have an outstanding jumper but go to the paint more often. Use the wide spread of your back and shoulders, not to mention you have long arms! When you get tired keep pushing yourself then you will realize something will click In that large brain of yours. Hahaha

Aerial: did you just check me?

Steph: more like complimented you.

Aerial: says the person who never gets an haircut.

Steph: says the person who is fat and lazy!

I look down to see was I really fat? But then it clicked he had been checking me out.

Aerial: I'm not fat! You mix clown.

Steph: not funny, but do you need a ride home?

Aerial: ummmm yeah. Knowing my parents they're still open.

Steph: wow...wait here while I grab my bag. Don't need nobody snatching you up in the dark outside.

Aerial: yeah. Right!

Steph went into the locker room to grab his stuff while I wiped off sweat and put on deodorant and threw on a fresh tshirt and some joggers. I'm starving like Marvin!


I was in the locker room getting my stuff. I actually had fun with helping Aerial. she has a lot of potential and she is sexy as fuck. She's dark skin thick but in shape kind of thick, she has Asian like eyes with big full lips that look soft and juicy....her breast are huge as hell. Watching her run up and down the court had me not focused at all. I have to catch myself because she 17 and I'm 26. Not a great look. I finished grabbing my things and walk up to see Aerial all into her phone.

Steph: you ready to go ugly?

Aerial: ha very funny duhhh I been ready.

Steph: you hungry?

Aerial: omg you read my mind.

Steph: what to eat

Aerial&steph: pizza!!

OMG this girl is my favorite! I can tell we have a lot in common. Just please don't let me make a mistake and cause me to lose everything I worked for.

Aerial: I see we have some In common monster.

Steph: copy cat but let's go

We hoped in my Lamborghini and sped off! I played some music and she instantly started rapping my favorite part. Damn why this girl gotta be so chill and have a great personality! She might be 17 but damn she act 25. Kind of better than a 25 year old.

Steph: girl shut up what you know about that.

Aerial: you really think I'm just a normal teenager?

Steph: ummm I don't think, you are an teenager!

Aerial: next month on the 13th I turn 18 so not for long mr. Old ass.

Thank goodness she turning 18 quicker than I thought. Is this a sign God?

Steph: wow look at you becoming a woman or man?

Aerial: lols....what an asshole, I'm a whole woman out here sir.

Steph: man I see. I mumbled to myself.

Aerial: what was that?

Steph: ummmm nothing but your going home or to my place?

Aerial: I've never been to your place but don't you think it's weird for me to come over?

Steph: damn! True my eyes where just cool but to the public the media will eat this up.

Aerial: I'll just see you tomorrow?

Steph: not really I have practice

Aerial: oh man well I guess not.

Steph: here text me and let me know when your done practicing for aau and I'll stop by.

Aerial: okay sounds like a plan to me. If your not playing me out?

Steph: dumbo just put your number in there and I'll show you that I'm not playing.

I watch her take my phone and put her number in. Oh god I hope I'm not making a mistake.

Aerial: here stupid I'm about to go in for a shower and most importantly order pizza. Thanks for the ride.

Steph: no problem and wash good , cause you kinda have my car funky.

Aerial: ughh. Grow up

She smirked and shut the car door. I watched her get into the house and I start to back out the drive way. This girl is some serious on and off court. She didn't even treat me or test me like a normal fan would. I hope I'm not falling head over heels for this girl. Anyway who knows what this can mean.

😱😱😱 OMG! Steph feeling the miss Aerial oooe child its some sauce getting stirred up now! 😋

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