Chapter 28

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It's been a year already and my star has gotten so big. Madison had the twins and they are beautiful and handsome. Her and klay are forever rocking still, and for me....well me and Jaylon has been together since last year on my birthday. It will be a year in 4 more months. My business has been booming, I have celebrity clients and business women. Right now I'm practicing makeup so soon I will be doing all,nails,and make up. I have to keep all my beautiful women's on fleek. I haven't seen Steph every since that night, he comes to get star from his mother house and I pick her up from his mother house. She always inform me that he have a different women but this time he is settled down. I was happy for him, I just hope he treat her better than he did me. I'm happy in this relationship and get treated like a queen, and Jaylon love star he treats her as if she was his own child.

Jaylon: hey baby. You ready for lunch?

Aerial: yes. Where are we eating at?

Jaylon: wherever you wanna go.

Aerial: okayyyyy. Lol

Jaylon: this weekend you me and star should take a mini vacation.

Aerial: well you know this the weekend Steph keep her, so we can wait.

Jaylon: bae just go ask the man could you keep her this weekend.

Aerial: that's like pulling a tooth out a yorkies mouth. Lol lets go papi.


Steph: Kate!!

Well every since aerial left me, I was hurt and mad at myself I had shut down from the world, when she meant I would never see her again...she was telling the truth. The only time I see her is on tv with that NFL player and about her business. Kate goes there all the time but I don't think she know that's my girl. Me and Kate been together for about 4 months now. She not aerial but she good enough for me, and she very supportive. She a singer and was an actor but now she just all music and she sing very well.

Kate: yes baby, I was just on the phone making my hair appointment.

Steph: damn girl you get your hair did every day.

Kate: I'm a singer I have to.

Steph: well you want me to drop you off there?

Kate: actually no, I was going to ride with Victoria.

Steph: okay

Kate: you and klay not doing anything today?

Steph: ehhhh he's been busy lately.

Kate: doing what?

Steph: stuff I guess.

When me and aerial fell out so did me, klay, and Madison. Klay told me how fucking dumb I was about fucking roni and honestly she was a hoe, she fucked me then changed her number. I was so fucking piss at myself I couldn't even get on track for a minute. Klay been hanging out with green and Madison lately, and he also working on making a shoe line. So if you ask the splash brothers really ain't splashing together no more. When we on the court he does his own thing, and he starting to get better. I'm just falling off the wagon even more, and now everyone is questioning my greatness.

Kate: awwwww he a bitch for that. Well baby she's out there. Give me some suga...

I gave her kiss and watch her walk out the door. I took my box out the closet and rolled one up for the stress relief.


Madison: welcome to Queen K and A Slay Salon may I help you?

Kate: yes I made an appointment with aerial....

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