Chapter 27

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Waking up to aerial naked on top of me was the best way to wake up. My phone was going off, someone had been blowing me up. So I decided to check it.

~😌💛R.Rose😍💙~ good morning  Mr. Steph😘

~🏈🏀🎥~ we would love to interview you and klay.

~😈splash brother💦~ let's take aerial and Madison out.

~😘👸🏾mom~ congratulations son, I wasn't able to tell you because you left so quick.

~🏀coach💦~ great work guys I'm very proud of y'all. Picture taking today at 3 be there or be benched for next season.

I looked at the time and it was 10. I quickly got up and packed my stuff up. As much as I hate to wake aerial up I had to.

Steph: baeeee

I started smacking her ass. She moved around then I took my finger and slid it inside her.

Aerial: mmmmm don't hurt yourself

I started laughing cause she was still sleeping so I sped up my pace and gripped her thigh. Her eyes popped open and she threw her head back.

Aerial: ahh ste- I mean daddy.

I took my finger outta her and started back packing.

Aerial: what the fuck steph!!

Steph: I did that to wake you up and so you wouldn't be cranky. I have to leave we have a photo shoot already at 3 and if you haven't noticed were still in Cleveland.

Aerial: Oh shit, well my room and stuff with Madison. Where my clothes.

Steph: hell if I know

Aerial: bitchh!

Steph: what the fuck you just call me?

Aerial: papi

Steph: aw thought so, well Ima have to take the jet.

Aerial: well we all taking the jet.

Steph: go get them then. Ian Finna be benched cause of you and Madison.

Aerial: ewww fix your attitude before I fix it for you.

She left out the room and i text roni back. I hope I can keep this at a friend level nothing more.


I walked through the door seeing klay and Madison all under the covers and my stomach started turning.

Aerial: ewwww get the fuck up!

Madison: bitchh its 10 in the morning.

Aerial: ok and we gotta get back to Oakland. We have a business to run and klay have to be at a photo shoot at 3 and if he ain't there then he gets benched next season.

Klay: shit!!

He got up but stumbled and grabbed his head.

Madison: hang over like a motherfucker ain't it.

Klay: Bae stop yelling ok. Get your bags packed we have to go.

Madison: but I wasn't yelling.

I quickly packed my bags and threw on some joggers and a tank. I'll shower when I get to my house. I text steph mom to see was she going to keep star or did I need to come get her, I really missed my little munchkin. After two hours everybody was ready to go klay was still slump and steph was on that damn phone. I checked us out and we all got inside the Tahoe and headed to the jet.

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