Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


I opened my eyes and tried raising up but a pain shot through my head.

Klay: oh fuck

I held my head and looked around the room for Madison. I took my phone off the night stand and saw I had 4 text messages.

~Unknown number~ I enjoyed last night best dick I ever had 😉😘

~💍wifey💁🏾❣~ me and the kids are gone for a walk. Be back later for brunch😘 love you.

~TMZ NEWS~ Klay man we can't believe you would cheat on your wife.

~💦🏀Brother👏🏾~ damn Klay I told your stupid ass to go home and nowhere else. They got you all on tv getting carried in a hotel room😡😡🖕🏾 stupid!

I shook my head and tried remembering what I did last night. All I could remember was some female kissing and hitting my chest. Then I came home to Madison and rocked her world. That's all I could remember and now I'm about to get fucked up. DAMN!


Steph: naw baby ion think he cheated on purpose. I know my brother I know he wouldn't do that.

Aerial: hell what I want to know is why he was carried in the room....and who is that bitch!?

Steph: I don't know the picture only show the side of her face and some of her hair. It look red but then again it don't....

Aerial: let me see....

She snatched the phone out my hand and I looked at her with the eye.

Aerial: sorry baby.

She went back studying the picture and then her eyebrows lifted up.

Aerial: OMG Steph!!!

Steph: what Bae you know who it is?

Aerial: that's KATE!!! That's that bitch. Look at her face structure and she the only bitch I know with all red hair like that and the ponytail at the top. I did her hair and that's her!! It gotta be her....

Steph: naw baby. I don't think Klay would sleep with he not that low he know I had her and that she crazy.

Aerial: no but he was drunk so how would he know.

Steph: he would still be aware of his actions.

Aerial: I'm guessing Madison haven't seen this because I haven't heard from her...Ima call her.

I slid across the counter and snatched the phone out of her hand.

Steph: NO! Don't do that Bae

Aerial: and why not? She's my friend and sister and I'm not about to let her look stupid.

Steph: that's they business plus you know Madison like to fight. I do not want to see the animal come out her.

Aerial: shut up and stop talking about her with your peanut head.

Steph: we ain't even going to check with your black ass. When you don't put lotion on you look like a life size Oreo laying in our bed.

Aerial: lol fuck you! Go outside and get the mail.

Steph: oh shoot.

I went outside to the mailbox but then I realized the mailman ain't came yet. When I turned around the door was locked. Aerial looked outside of the blinds and stuck her tongue out.

Steph: aerial stop playing its hot as hell out here open the door.

Aerial: nope I'm Finna take a shower and then lay in our bed so I can look like a Oreo. While you out here catching a tan.

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