Chapter 32

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I was sleeping when I heard the doorbell go off I turned to Klay and he was out like a light, I got up and threw on my robe. I took my precious time coming down the stairs. I turned the corner to check on my babies and they was sleeping peacefully. I finally made it to the door and opened it.

Aerial: damn took you long enough, and where is my gift and star is on her way she walking today so it's gone take a minute.

Madison: you do realize it's 9 in the morning.

Aerial: you do realize I have a party to set up and you promised that you would help me.

Madison: well damn Ian know it meant I had to break my damn know how hard it is to nap with two kids? It's very hard not only that having a nigga that's always horny and talkative is too.

Aerial: your problem....I need you at my house at 10 for this thing.

Star: teetee

Madison: hey auntie baby!

I picked her up and kissed her cheeks. I sung her happy birthday and told her I would have her gift wrapped soon.

Aerial: speaking of gifts where is my gift?

Madison: lol oh I bought you an promise's in the family room.

Aerial: oooooommmmmggggg! Let me see!

Madison: no you and Madison can get y'all gift together. Now bye bye see you at 10

Aerial: don't go back and lay down dude.

Madison: I gotcha bye!

I closed the door and headed back upstairs. When I came i didn't see Klay in the bed so I called his name and got no response. I start to look around and then I saw him in the kids room down on the ground.

Madison: OMG BABY!!



Klay: awwwwww I'm sorry baby.

Madison: no move....

He started kissing me and rubbing my booty.

Klay: I'm sorry you forgive me?

Madison: maybe...

Klay: I'll cook breakfast.

Madison: nah I forgive you I got it.

Klay: lol like I thought.


I didn't tell nobody about my engagement yet because we was going to announce it at star party. I was so happy about all of this that today I just been all smiles and joy. I got the party planners setting up star theme in the back yard and I was finding her an outfit to wear. She was in the back seat Doing her talking and looking out the window.

Aerial: come on mommy baby we are here!

Star: eat eat

Aerial: star you just ate

Star: car

She started pointing at a car coming by and it was Kate. I waved and kept unhooking her out the seat.

Aerial: girl you getting big. I'll be glad when you start looking like me.

Star: da da

Aerial: ewwww no, he ugly

She covered her face and started laughing like she was really tripping out. We crossed the street and I put her down so she could walk.

Aerial: come on we gotta find something for you to wear.

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