Chapter 38

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Steph: okay so you said you came around and they hit you in the head and then stood over you and dropped a rose and a picture of the animal over there.

Madison: stop fucking playing with yo ugly ass!

Aerial: a black rose symbolize death, so who ever it is they want to kill Madison or get rid of her.

Madison: Ian going nowhere so they can shut that up.

Klay: it's my fault!

Steph: nigga no it's not we can't help your animal...I mean WIFE attract serial killers and crazy people. It's just something we have to deal with again.

Aerial: I don't feel to good about this...I feel  like one of us going to get hurt permanently.

Steph: it's okay baby. I just want you to stay out the way. Until I give you further notice on what to do.

Madison: well if they after me then why they hurting you guys?

Klay: I don't man...this shit getting to difficult. I'm white I don't fool with shit like this.

Steph: get over yourself white nigga. Don't forget you 40% black.

Aerial: whatever I'm going to get the kids up for breakfast. Then you guys can go so that y'all can change.

Madison: ok, and it's going to be alright just be alert.

Aerial went to get the kids and I was thinking about Klay saying how he received text messages and if aerial assumption is right about it being Kate then I can match the numbers and we can go get that bitch. She owes me for killing one of my babies but I'll let the good lord deal with her.

Steph: Klay let me see your phone. I want to look at the numbers that's stalking you.

Klay: ummm here.

I went through his phone and pulled mine out. I clicked on Kate contact and it wasn't a match. Maybe it wasn't her but I still feel like it's a bitch close to us. I just couldn't think on who.

Steph: here you go.

Klay: what you do?

Steph: just looked at something.

The kids and aerial came back downstairs, aerial fixed our plates and we ate and talked about all the good memories and how old we are getting. After we finished Madison helped aerial clean the kitchen and the kids got up and put there shoes on. Star went in the living room and started watching cartoons. I went upstairs to take a shower and to clear my head. Things were different and crazy now.


I watched Klay and Madison leave and then I shut and locked the door. I turned around and thought I saw someone with a mask on.


He came flying down the stairs.

Steph: baby what's wrong? You okay?

Aerial: I thought I seen someone. Baby I'm losing it slowly but for surely.

Steph: come here ma.

I got in his arms and put my head on his chest.

Steph: I promise who ever this where going to get them. I'm never letting you get hurt again. That's a promise baby, now give me a kiss.

I gave him a kiss and he rocked me back and fourth until I fell asleep.


I was making my way out the studio when Keyon called me.

Kate-what the hell is it?
Keyon-their back at home.
Kate-really, how long?
Keyon-it's been about 30 minutes
Kate-great all I need is for one of them to leave and then you can go in and get one of there babies.
Keyon-that's too far Kate! I'm not doing that.
Kate-you do what I say or I'll call the police for a rape report.
Keyon-bitch! Look I got it. I'll let you know when I have everything planned.

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