Chapter 5

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Watching Aerial dry off was killing me. Her breast kept popping out and her ass in them bikini strings was killing me. Today she accidentally touched my man part and I almost went crazy. She let me hold her and touch up on her. Respectfully tho cause Riley was with us. I'm about to order our pizza and whoop her ass in 2k, while Riley is knocked out like a light.

Aerial: I should Stab you for getting my hair wet like this.

Steph: I'll make it up. Such a cry baby.

Aerial: blah blah. What's your favorite color?!

Steph: ummmm blue, why?

Aerial: just wanted to know. That's mine to and I guess I'll put blue color in my head.

Steph: that will be dope but let's start this game I'm ready to kick your ass.

Aerial: in your dreams Boo!

She punched the living shit out my arms and took off running. I started chasing behind her but seeing her ass jiggle like that made me get wood.

Aerial: OMG!

Steph: what?

I guess she notice cause she pointed at him. I was slightly proud and embarrassed. I started smiling and moving close to her.

Aerial: move freak! Lol start the game.

I started the game and we started picking teams. She picked us and laughed in my face. I shook my head and chose the Spurs. After losing to her 4 times I decided to give up. The pizza had gotten here and we haven't ate. I guess I'll fix our plates cause I know she hungry.

Steph: I'll fix your plate since you won.

Aerial: told you I was the best in 2k. Never been beat before.

Steph: cocky As fuck

Aerial: says Steph curry.

Steph: that's me!

Aerial: let's play truth or dare

Steph: okay start....

Aerial: truth or dare?

Steph: truth

Aerial: is it true that all you want from me is my goodies?

Steph: hell no!

Aerial: just was wondering.

Steph: truth or dare.

Aerial: truth

Steph: is it true that you like me?

She was silent for a second just chewing on her pizza and looking down.

Aerial: yes....I really like you. I want us to date but the world would look at you funny. Just like tyga, I don't want that for you because you're known for greatness and good. I can't control the feelings I have for you tho.

I just stood there looking in her eyes. I moved the plate outta the way moving close to her lips. All I wanted to do was show her I don't care about the media she 18 and legal. I can make this a great thing as well. I put my lips on hers and she hungrily kissed back. We was going at it. I bit her lip for entrance and slid my tongue right in. OMG this girl is an damn good kisser I feel like I'm about to nut just kissing her. She got up and sat in my lap not Breaking the kiss. Moving her hips in circles on my man hood making him get hard as a brick she took her hand and rubbed him. I threw my head back and she started sucking on my neck. A groan came outta me. She stopped and took my shirt off leaving 3 hickies on my chest. Right when I was about to put my hands in her jogger, Riley came in.

Riley: daddy what are you doing to Aerial!

Aerial jumped up so fast she fell and I kinda laughed but rushed to pick Riley up.

Steph: nothing sweetie we were just playing a game.

Riley: well I'm hungry. Can I eat in the room and watch Barbie please please pleaseeeee!

Steph: lol yes you can.

I Fixed her a slice of pizza and grabbed a caprisun. I looked over at Aerial who was pretending to be busy on her phone. I wish we didn't stop. Her lips and touches was amazing.

Steph: let's go Riley.

I put Riley in her room and came back to Aerial. She was sleep on the couch. I was kinda happy then again not. Her phone started ringing and when I picked it up I saw "😘forever😘". My jaws clenched and I threw the blanket over her cut everything off and Marched upstairs mad as ever. Was she trying to play me? Well I'll be damned if I let her play me. Two can play this game.

😳😱 OMG!!!! Is curry overreacting or is he right! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 sip wine for the next chapter.

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