Chapter 18

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8 months later.


It's been 8 months since I left steph and life has been 10x better. I had my bundle of joy on October 14th the day after my birthday. I was so excited about it. Tomorrow she will be 4 months she is getting so big. Every time I see her I see me and steph. She is such a daddy's girl she will be so happy and calm when she get around him. Her name is Stariel and she is our joy. Right now we are at the park with my mother.

Stefani: when was the last time you talk to steph?

Aerial: yesterday when he asked for Stariel. Why?

Stefani: just thought you two would hang out around each other.

Aerial: momma you know I don't fool with him anymore.

Stefani: well that have to end. I invited him here so y'all could talk.

Aeria: momma!!!

Stefani: this mess have to end. I'm not saying that y'all have to be back together but at least be cordial.

Aerial: ok

He was walking up to us and my mom left me. So now it was just me and him. At first it was silence just the birds and the sound of Stariel clapping.

Aerial: what is momma baby clapping about?

She just started smiling and then steph started smiling. OMG they like twins when they smile.

Aerial: what you smiling about?

Steph: lol just enjoying the moment.

Aerial: can we talk. I know it's been a while but why would you do that to us?

He was quite for a minute. I thought he was about to cry but I couldn't tell cause he was light skin and taller than me.

Steph: look I don't know why. She was just breaking down to me and bringing back on memories and I fell in her trap. I was so stupid, I wanted to stop but I couldn't it was my nigga senses telling me just one last time and you wouldn't find out. Aerial I really do love you, I still do a lot. I miss you so much, I miss our bond together and everything. I wasn't playing you I just made a mistake. I would love for us to be friends and then maybe start back on our relationship.

I was silent for some seconds.

Aerial: I forgive you and we can start off being cordial and all that. I know mistakes happen and I just have to get over that. I miss you too and I never stopped loving you.

We hugged and I gave him a kiss on the jawline. Then Stariel started whining, I picked her up and she was smiling at me. I love my little baby soooo much.

Steph: I got practice so Ima get going.

Aerial: yea we about leave to

Steph: here let me help you.

We carried All the stuff and I had Stariel in my arms. When we got to the car steph buckled her up in the seat. I got in and started the car.

Steph: could you come over tonight for dinner.

Aerial: sure WE would love to.

He started smiling and shut the car door.

Steph: alright see you at 8. I love you.

Aerial. I love you too

I backed outta the parking space and headed back to my new condo. Yes I have my own place and it is lovely. Just me and my little baby. Sometimes Madison come and visit but she back in Murfreesboro. She been trying to make her move up here but she have to find a way to move her salon up towards this way. I went to college for cosmetology and I'm damn good. I wanted to start my own nail salon so me and her could combine our things and have a hair and nail salon here. Right now I'm just taking care of Stariel and saving up money.


Madison been gone for 2 months and I have been going back and forth to see her. We fuck every time we see each other because it be a while before we even see one another. Last time I talked to her she said that she had missed her period. So I can possibly be a father. I was in the car about to get out. She had a doctors appointment to see was she pregnant and we was excited and nervous.

Madison: hey baby

Klay: sup

Madison: well he just took my pee so it will be a minute before he get back.

Klay: do you want to be pregnant?

Madison: yes but we stay in two different states! How can we work this out.

Klay: I told you let me help you.

Madison: I know I know but my business Bae.

Klay: just let me handle that and you worry about the move.

Madison: okay know it all.

The doctor walked in and he had some papers in his hand.

Doctor: well congrats. You are indeed pregnant and to be exact.... You are 4 weeks.

Klay: Oh wow!

Madison: thank you doctor I'm very excited to be a mother.

Doctor: that is good to hear. Your next appointment will be in 2 weeks.

Madison: alright thank you.

We grabbed her stuff and left. I was hungry and I know she was as well.

Klay: want to grab some food.

Madison: look at you starting off good.

Klay: nawww I'm just hungry lol

Madison: lols fuck you white nigga let's go.

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