Chapter 24

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I've been trapped in here for 2 days. I know klay and aerial not leaving me to die. I got loose but Chris bitch ass came and caught me. I haven't seen old man yet he probably somewhere playing in Cameron ass. When I do see him it's whoop ass on sight. So far my baby is fine, I haven't seen blood or anything. I just wish klay would hurry the fuck up. Chris dumb ass left his gun on the table, I just have to find something sharp to cut this rope. I looked through the dirt and founded a small razor broken off something, hopefully it help. I started cutting hard and deep.

Madison: yes!

Voice from afar: she was sleep when I checked on her earlier.

I quickly cut my other side and then I ran to the gun. The locks clicked and the door opened and I stood there with the gun aimed.


Steph: let me go in. I'll shoot all of them.

Marshal: man sit your weak ass down. Stick to basketball and keep shooting all them damn threes leave this for us!

Aerial: don't do to much brother.

Klay: I wanna go in, behind you so it's back up.

Aerial: nah, I go in behind my brother and you come in behind me. Steph Bae you be in the driver seat ready to roll when we come out....don't fuck up and leave us here.

Steph: mane I got this!

Aerial: ok y'all ready?

Klay&marshal: Fasho!

Aerial: let's go!

My brother and his two friends ran in first. Then me and klay was right behind him. For klay to be a fucking athlete this nigga shoot a gun like he part of FBI. We had shot all the week ass niggas at the front now we ran to the back. The lights was dimmer but we could hear Madison yelling saying something I put my ear to the door and told them to hold up Behind me.

Madison: bitchh nigga I don't love you Nomo. You had your chance and now I'm over you! Bitchh you finally realize Cameron roll neck ass ain't better than me an-

Johnny: hoe shut the fuck up before I shoot you!!

I immediately told them to bust the door down! soon as they did I stepped in.

Aerial: bitchh you ain't shooting my sister yo crusty ass face.

Johnny: aerial...I always hated you and I thought jasmine took care of you but I guess she couldn't do it so I will.

He shot me quicker than ever but I shot back before I could fall and the bullet hit him dead in the stomach but Marshal and klay took no time busting back and marshal friend grabbed Madison while the other two came and picked me up. I was starting to get dizzy. The noise started fading away and I could feel my eyes closing.

Klay: aerial stay with us!!!

They ran towards the truck and threw me in the back.

Marshal: DRIVE STEPH!!


Klay: just drive!!!

After that I blacked out.


Madison: omg AERIAL!! Wake up please you can't leave us!!!


Steph was swerving and punching the horn I can look in his eyes and see that he had lost it. All of us did, aerial had left us. She wasn't responding or moving, when we checked for breathing we could barely feel.

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