Chapter 11

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I went to knock on steph guest room door.

Aerial: Bae can we talk now

Steph: come in

Aerial: look I'm sorry. Your not a mistake but I don't want to ruin nothing for you and for myself. You going to always be on the road and so is me. If I'm pregnant what I'm supposed to do with my career? I mean Riley enough for you right now. If iam pregnant I'm not going to kill the child but our lives will be flipped.

Steph: I understand. I really care about you aerial! If you are then it's a blessing from God. He make no mistakes but far as your career then yeah it would have to be hold. I can help you come back 10 times harder.

Aerial: I'm sorry babe

Steph: give me some loving

I sat on his lap and gave him a long passionate kiss.

Steph: can you take a pregnancy test when I get back from Boston?

Aerial: I sure will. Now let's go take a shower together. I was lonely last night cause of you being an ass

Steph: lol Ima get in after you, I might get tempted.

Aerial: alrighty. Missing out big time.


when aerial left the room I grabbed my phone and founded kisha number. She was the only person I use to fuck around with that was crazy as fuck, I mean crazy house crazy. The hoe was obsessed with me. I text a little message to her phone before going downstairs to cook breakfast.

~me~ I know that your sending my girl threats and shit! Chill out with all that.

I headed to the kitchen to get stuff prepared for breakfast. There was a knock at the door.

Steph: who the fuck could possibly be at my door this damn early.

I went to open the door and saw Madison crazy ass standing there with klay right behind her.

Madison: you going to move out the way so we can come in or just stand there and look like a naked mole rat.

Klay: damn! Lol you wrong for that.

They both started laughing. I start to check back but instead I slammed the door in there face and locked it. When I turned around I saw aerial with nothing on but some nike flip flops and her hair was wet.

Steph: either you wanna get dick down or you have no more clothes here.

Aerial: lol The second one sound bout right. I need to borrow your clothes so I can run down to my house and get some more.

Steph: in my room look in my closet  grab the black diamond pyramid hoodie and it will look like a dress on you cause you what 4'11

Aerial: no nigga 5'2

Steph: same thing and by the way Madison stopped by but she was to rude so she left.

Aerial: what the fuck Steph

Steph: she called me a naked mole rat

Aerial: lol ahahaha!

I took out running towards her and picked her up and started tickling her.

Steph: that shit ain't funny. I'll make you pee on yourself

Aerial: ok ok ok Bae chill. Damn

Steph: like I thought.

I let her go and she walked towards the elevator.

Aerial: you naked mole rat!!!

She ran in the elevator and pushed the button, the doors closed before I could get to her. I'll get her ass later on. She will pay for that one.


Stefani: welcome to K's place may I help you?

Customer: I would like to order a 12pc hot wing only.

Stefani: will that be all for you?

Customer: no and I will like to know where your daughter is?

She had a gun pointed at me hiding behind her jacket.

Customer: don't scream and don't make shit look obvious. Now talk!

Stefani: I have no idea.

Customer: get your ass outside and in the car.

Stefani: what the-

Customer: outside now bitch!!

I grabbed my purse and dropped a red note from the register letting someone know I was in danger and to check the cameras.

Stefani: ok ok damn!

Customer: put your seatbelt on this is about to be a long ride.

Ain't this about a bitch. I need to get help and to let aerial know she is in danger big time.

😞😞😞😞 damn they took mom deuce!!!  Who the fuck is the crazy women! 😧😱 next chapter later on!

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