Chapter 16

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4 months later.


It's been 4 months and I'm 5 months pregnant. Iam so ready to drop this load. This little girl be killing me.

Steph: Bae come here!

Aerial: coming!

I walked to the workout room and saw him running on the treadmill.

Steph: can you pass me the ball back and forth.

Aerial: ughhh. I don't feel like it but since I love you I will.

Steph: yes! Now start before I get tired.

Aerial: lol okay weak ass.


After me and aerial had our little work out I ended up rubbing her feet. She was tired and hurting. I couldn't wait until she had my little girl. When I told my family about us they was shocked but happy as well. Riley didn't like it to much cause she wasn't the baby anymore but Ayesha told her she would always be the baby so she kinda got okay.

Aerial: babe I'm sleepy

Steph: go to sleep.

Aerial: tell me you love me first

Steph: I love you more than anything. Your about to have my little baby girl. You never gave up on Me and you a rida Fasho.

Aerial: awwwww mm kisses
I gave her many small kisses and then a long deep passionate kiss. She was all i ever wanted.

Steph: later you know I'm leaving to go to Memphis right.

Aerial: OMG I forgot. Ima be lonely. Ughh

Steph: you can come with me

Aerial: to lazy for all that bae you just bring back a W!

Steph: I sure will.

She laid down and evidently fell asleep. I had to get my stuff ready for Memphis so I got up and decided to call klay.


Klay: MADISON!!!

Madison: what?

Klay: come here.

Madison: I'm in the shower white nigga.

Klay: even better.

I wanted some good loving before I left and she was already prepared. When I got up to go in there my phone started ringing.

Steph- you ready for tonight?
Klay-hell yeaaaa nigga
Steph- let's keep this winning streak going. Where Madison ion hear her
Klay-in the shower. You really interrupted something.
Steph-ha! My fault man
Klay- I'm about to go handle that I'll see you tonight
Steph: ight

I hung up the phone and when I was about to go get in Madison she was already out. Damn!

Madison: Bae what did you want

Klay: some good loving before I leave for tonight.

Madison: I guess, just 15 minutes.

Klay: a hour is what I need.


steph was gone and I needed some company. I called Madison crazy ass over so we can chill and talk. The door bell went off and that had to be her. I opened the door and she came in with snacks and drinks.

Madison: turn up bihhhh!

Aerial: now you know I can't drink!

Madison: on shit I forgot. I'm about to fuck tt baby up. I forgot well drink some water.

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