Chapter 23

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It's Friday night and star is with my family. I'm just now getting dressed and steph should be pulling up any minute. He said to wear something nice and sexy...and what's better than showing off your curves. I slipped on a tight dress and made my way to the mirror to straighten my hair. I really missed steph but I want him to work for me and now that I have two men after me, I think Ima just have some fun while I can. The door bell goes off and I text steph to let him know the door is unlock. I quickly put on some lipstick and did my eyebrows.

Steph: oh my fucking gosh aerial I said to be ready at 9 not still getting prepared.

Aerial: calm your sorry ass down, I'm almost finished.

Steph: this is why you can't take black girls out they do too fucking much.

Aerial: ughhh crybaby I love you too.

After another 10 minutes I was ready. I locked up the doors and we headed for our little date. We arrived at this nice ass restaurant, steph got out and opened the door for me. I walked Inside and there was music and a table setup right underneath a swim tank I can see all the pretty blue and yellow fishes. This whole scenery was outstanding. Steph pulled out my chair and I took a seat and grabbed my menu.

Steph: what you plan on getting?

Aerial: probably this chicken and shrimp Alfredo. What about you?

Steph: the steak and potatoes.

Aerial: your white, get the salmon and lemons

Steph: I'm 30% white. My nigga senses tells me to get steak and potatoes.

Aerial: hahahah! Lol you a fool. I really like this tho. It's so peaceful and beautiful....very beautiful.

Steph: like you.

Aerial: awwwwwn that's this is romantic I can get jiggy with this steph.

Steph: good enough for me to sleep in the bed with you?

Aerial: don't ruin it asshole.

Steph: lol I'm just playing ma, calm down but I like them feisty.

Aerial: hahaha! Lol silly ass nigga.

Our food finally came out and we ate and talk. This was soooo much fun , we just kept joking with each other talking about kid memories and how we plan our future to be. It's all so real and I'm enjoying every minute of this.

Steph: well let's get you home. I don't wanna keep star out with your family all night.

Aerial: she spending the night with them.

Steph: even better for me.

Aerial: you can stay, but not in my bed.

Steph: ugh such a lame. Get your ass in the car so we can leave.

Aerial: lol crybaby ass nigga


I was leaving out of Walmart and I was rushing because I was suppose to stay at home but I just needed to get some stuff and to get some fresh air being locked In the house all damn day make me feel like a cage animal. Klay was over his family house and would be back very soon. I jumped in my car and headed home, suddenly this black car appears behind me speeding fast as hell. Next thing I know it runs into me. I hit my head on the steering wheel but I kept driving I wasn't about to let whoever this is run me off the road. I come around the curve going 90 and the car hits me again this time I skid off the road and the car flips.

Madison: dear god!!!!!!


I was making my way out my family driveway when I got a phone call.

Caller- is this klay Thompson?
Klay- yea watsup?
Caller- your girlfriend has been in a accident, but her body is missing.
Klay-what? My girl at home!!
Caller-no sir this car is registered in Madison Polk.

I clenched my jaw and a tear ran down my eyes. All I could think was that my girl was gone and my child is dead. Losing two people I love the most is devastating.

Caller- hello , sir, we need you down here for questioning. We have a witness and they said it looks as if she was ran off the road.

Klay- where all this located at?
Caller-tomile street 3miles down from Walmart.
Klay-on my way.

All I could do is pray and hope that she is alright. The baby in here can't be gone that's my child. I have to get all this fixed and quickly.


Madison: helloooo!

All I could hear is echoes and a flickering light. I looked down to see my leg all scratched up and I prayed that I still had my child. I made sure to have my seat belt on so I wouldn't flip and land on my stomach. I had to get to the hospital soon.

Madison: ahhhhhhhh....anybody!

I was tied up to this pole, I tried untying my legs but it was to tight.

Madison: dear lord please give me the strength.

I took my nails and dug hard as I could. Blood started coming from them but the ropes was loosening up.


My phone was ringing and steph reached for it.

Aerial: nigga what the fuck?

Steph: my bad, it's klay though answer it.

Klay-Madison had a wreck, someone ran her off the road she was coming from Walmart now her body is missing from the scene!! I'm about to lose it man! These fucking cops saying they can't find no evidence but a witness seen someone run her off the road.
Aerial- wait! Wait! Wait! My bestie that is 3 months pregnant had a wreck and now she is missing?
Klay-yea mane! They took my girl!
Aerial-oh my god! Mane fuck this shit klay we gotta do this on our own you know ain't no cops Finna do shit!! I'm calling my brothers up right now! We have to get her back !!!

Steph: what's going on! Where is my sister!

Aerial: we don't know, someone took her from the scene.

Klay- you know she so fucking hard  headed I told her to stay in the house while I went to visit my mother and father. She just wouldn't listen to me for shit!!!
Aerial-it's okay Klay we bout to get her back and that's a Promise...its war behind that one!
Klay- I know man! I'll kill for her!!
Aerial-meet me at my house in 20 minutes I'm about to tell my family it's another war!
Klay- alright I'll be there!

I hung up the phone and jumped out of my bed. I threw on a black hoodie and some black joggers and my black timbs. All I could think about was killing someone. I grabbed my pink 9mm and headed for the door.

Steph: someone please tell me what the fuck is happening!

Aerial: Madison was kidnapped they ran her off the road and took her!!! I think I know who did this!

Steph: well I'm coming with you! She my sister and I wanna help get them weak ass niggas as well.

Aerial: come on meeting at my family house we gotta call and tell her family and call for the killers to fly down going to have to stay at with your family for a while cause this is war and I can't have my child near danger at all.

Steph: okay I got you aerial, you and star is my all. It's ride or die time....and we riding.

Aerial: let's go steph.

😰😰😰😰 Madison taken? This shit Finna get real reckless for the splash brothers and their girls. Chapter 24 even more lit!!!

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