Chapter 34

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Aerial said she needed to talk to me and I came running over. I've been staying home for about 2 weeks now, and now I don't know what me and aerial have going on. Kate been putting it down lately and it's like I'm on lock. I can't keep breaking aerial heart tho. I parked in her driveway and knocked on the door.

Aerial: come in.

Steph: hey beautiful.

Aerial: hey....have a seat in the kitchen I'll be back.

Steph: alright.

She came back in with a brown bag and a knife and I started cussing myself out in my head.

Steph: uhhhh, uhh what's that?

Aerial: be patient and see silly.

She pulled out a pregnancy test, a picture frame of me her and star and then she laid the knife out. I'm sweating bullets cause I think I'm about to die.

Aerial: so I'm positive that I'm PREGNANT again, WITH YOUR BABY, THIS PICTURE is of US looking like a family, and this KNIFE is going to be USED ON YOU if you choose the wrong decision. Now listen, we not together but we fuck around like we are, and we have a daughter together not to mention we have a child coming. So you still hanging on to me and Kate...this is what you going to do. You gone either pick to be with me and only me and have a nice family or your going to pick Kate but leave out this house with a few cuts and stabs in you. So you pick NOW!!!

I jumped at how loud she yelled at me, I knew it was only a matter of time before she snapped but I didn't know this is what she was going to do. I have to pick and I mean carefully, I do love Kate and she is a great women but aerial is my forever love she have my child and my next kid. Not only that she holds me down even when I'm about to break.....I think I know what Ima do. I'm done playing the games this is it.

Steph: baby it's you! I told you that from the beginning...I-I just didn't want to break her h-

Aerial: say heart and bitch Ima slice you!!! What about my damn heart huh!!

She picked up the knife and came around the counter, I quickly jumped outta my seat and backed away from her.

Steph: no no no Noooo. Baby listen I meant I didn't want to be labeled as a hoe. I'm staying with you and star I want a family.....a big happy family. I need you to have my last name and no one else's....

She stopped walking towards me and she looked at me, a tear rolled down her cheek and she started crying.

Aerial: babyy I'm just so tired of always trying to be the hero but nobody wants to be my hero! I always be the one to have ev? O? Ba?

She started crying between her words and I couldn't understand her, all I needed to do was get the knife out her hand. I came to hug her but took the knife out her hand before she kills me. I kissed on her neck and rubbed her back while she cried on my shoulder. She never broke down to me like this and seeing her like this made me want to be the best man and father I can be.


I got home and steph wasn't there. In fact I haven't heard from him all day. It's 12 and he still wasn't home so I sent him a text.

~me~ if your not home in 10 minutes then the porch is always comfortable. ☺️

~❣baby😈~ don't wait up...Ian coming 👋🏾

I looked at his message and got heated so I called him.

Steph-what Kate
Kate-so you not coming home huh? I'm sick of you cheating on me steph!!! I'm done!!! You hear me D.O.N.E done!
Steph-alright you said this remember that.
Kate-Noooo no no!
Steph-nah you know I'm sick of your threats and your crazy ass ideas. Plus I have a family to be here for. So like I said don't wait up, goodbye Kate.

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