Chapter 39

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2 months later.....


Aerial: star come here

Star: what mommy

Aerial: throw king diaper away and bring his bottle

Her little feet ran off and I was happy she was getting bigger. Steph was at practice and so far things have been great with us. Far as Madison and klay....well they still the happy couple but klay has a new friend name KATE and Madison is still pissed over it. She believes they have something going on but she get proved wrong every time so she just leaves it alone.

Star: here ma

Aerial: quit talking like your daddy

She rolled her eyes and ran back upstairs. Our birthday was 3 weeks away and I was excited but yet Iam getting older. I'll be 22 and she will be 3. I'm not ready for her to get all teenager on me because that's when it get difficult. Steph and I suppose to be getting married in November and I have everything set already. I love Steph so much and I really appreciate him for everything. My little King is getting big as well and once I see all my children grow up Ima be hurt broken, like a bitter sweet moment. I haven't talked to my family much but we still have phone conversation every now and then. I heard the locks click on the front door and Steph came in.

Steph: hey baby

Star: daddy daddy daddy!!!

Steph: daddy princess

He picked star up and gave her kisses all over her cheeks.

Aerial: how was practice baby.

Steph: oh it was really good, have y'all been out the house today?

Aerial: ummm not actually. You know king usually always sleeping.

Steph: we gotta get that boy to be awake and active. Ion want no lazy son and especially not active son.

Aerial: yeah yeah I hear you. Let's go to the carnival.

Star: yayyy

Steph: well let me shower and get dressed and we can go.

Aerial: want me to join? So I can massages your shoulders.

Steph: gosh women I love you. Yes you can join. Put star up in her room so nothing won't happen I'll get our towels and stuff.

Aerial: right behind you daddy.

I gave him a wink and he pinched my ass. Gosh I love this man. I remember for his birthday I gave him a full body massage with oil and let's just say the oil ended everywhere but on the right places.


I had just came from the doctor and I was indeed pregnant, 3 months at that. I kinda felt bad because I didn't want to play klay like this but I did kind of get him drunk and put something in his drink just so I could have his child and ruin his marriage but he have become one of my bestfriends and I don't know how to tell him. I would lose his friendship and most likely get put in jail. I would hate to kill another baby and that's something I don't want to do. I decided days ago I was going to start back taking my medicine because I was getting out of control. It's like my friendship with klay made me realize life more, and of course I still want him but I know he truly loves Madison. Speaking of Madison she doesn't say much when I come around she usually just go upstairs or either text klay phone non stop to be petty. Keyon has a girlfriend now and he said he was done with his dirty work for me. I just really want to be normal again. Jaylon contacted me today saying that he wanted to meet up and talk. He been on the road so much with NFL that he barely come to Oakland. He walked through the door and I put my phone down and stood up and gave him a hug. I hope he doesn't feel or notice my baby bump.

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