Chapter 25

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My head was killing me and I didn't see anyone in sight. I was in my hospital bed waiting for someone to come, I remembered me being out and that was it. It was like my memory was wiped out and I couldn't remember nothing but the people who was in my life. All the circumstances and issues I can't remember. I was looking for my phone when someone has walked through the door.

Steph: hey sleepy head.

Aerial: who's sleepy head...

Steph: lol just playing

Aerial: where is my mother? And MADISON! I wanna see Madison!!

I started crying because I remember her being all hurt and pregnant. I couldn't do nothing but cry and be worried.

Steph: babe calm down.....she is rescued her.

Aerial:  I did, how when I was out?!

Steph: you don't remember what happened do you?

Aerial: noooo

Steph: it's okay , are you in pain?

Aerial: my head hurts

Steph: I'll go get the nurse.

I turned on the tv and saw klay and Steph name going crazy. The media knew klay had a child and also his girlfriend was in danger. The league was trying to suspend them and there was a lot of crap I decided to change the channel.

Steph: it's okay....klay and I already been to the board and stuff. We are not suspended but the finals are coming up and Ima be gone for a while.

Aerial: I understand. So who's going to protect me? Where is Madison? I wanna see her.

Steph: she's in the hospital on another floor. Bae you do know you been shot right?

Aerial: OMG....I been shot? Like Ima gangsta now?

Steph: lol hell naw. You saved maddie

Aerial: ohhhh, she still pregnant?

Steph: yes...with twins

Aerial: OMG !!! I wanna go see her let's go see her.

Steph: let me ask the nurse for a wheel chair.

He left and I was excited about her having twins. It was like my babies, tt babies and I was ready to meet them.


I'm so ready to see aerial. Steph told klay they was on there way up here. I hope things won't be rough after this. I really wanted to see star as well its been a while.

Aerial: BESTIE!!!

Madison: hey bitchh

Aerial: so how is my little babies doing.....

Madison: great....we find out the sex in a week.

Aerial: I wanna come....

Madison: you can cause klay will be outta town for the finals.

Aerial: oh shoot I forgot, Steph leaving me as well.

Steph: babe your memory is leaving

Aerial: lol no

Madison: leave her alone. When do you get out?

Aerial: hopefully tonight

Madison: we been in here for 2 days already.

Aerial: when do you get out?

Madison: in like 2 hours....I can keep star right, I miss her.

Aerial: of course just ask steph...

Steph: I'll go get her from my mother house

Madison: great idea ass

Steph: ewwww. What did klay see in you

Madison: something aerial didn't see in you...

Aerial: heyyyyy

Steph: sorry babe she make me sick.

Aerial: mhm that's why you was so ready to save her

Steph: so you do remember?

Aerial: of course I was just fucking with you, Ian get hit in the head ass.

Steph: that ain't even cool

Madison: damn dumbie

I started laughing and Steph left to get star.

Very short chapter 😔😔😔 next chapter will be more focused into the finals. Game six Thursday night remember 😋😋😋. Let's go warriors 💛💙

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