Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sun peeking through the curtains and a loud bang on my bed room door. It was finally my birthday I wasn't excited cause it was still morning and whoever was banging must have something really important for my birthday.

James: Aerial! Get up now come help your sister wash these dishes.

I instantly got pissed. It was only 8 in the morning and he came to my door yelling about dishes. Zaneya had to complain to him about doing it , so now he want me to help her. The girl is 9 years old she can handle it. She really my niece but every since her mother left her off on my mom she became my little sister instead. I got up and slipped on my fluffy puma slides and opened the door.

Aerial: Dad I don't think you know this or not but Zaneya is 9 and is very able. Wait, there's's only 8 in the morning watsup with you people!!

James: I don't give a damn if it was the ass crack of dawn. I said get down there and help her with them dishes. Watch your attitude...find yourself somewhere in the neighborhood streets looking for some place to lay down.

Aerial: whatever. I just brushed right pass him to help Zaneya with the dishes. Once I get downstairs I see this huge breakfast with gifts spread across the floor and a sign saying happy birthday! I start to smile cause I thought about the setup plan. Everyone told me happy birthday.

Katie: happy birthday little big sister

Deejah: happy birthday blackie

Stefani: happy birthday Baby. Enjoy the meal.

Zaneya: happy birthday tt Aerial. I mean my sister.

Every one started laughing and I was well over excited. I didn't know if i wanted to eat first or open gifts. So I decided to do both.

Aerial: pass me the big box first. I said with a mouth full of oat meal.

James: Katie pass her that box I got a call coming in I'll be back y'all.

She passed me the box and I opened it to see it was piled up with clothes from polo to tommy a little Gucci and more. This was all daddy gifts I knew that.

Aerial: I won't have enough closet space for this. Pass me the next bag.

I opened it to see this Chanel bag and I was beyond feeling it. I always had my eyes on it but now it's face to face and I'm about to rock her.

Aerial: OMG who got me this?!

Katie: you know i did!

Aerial: much love to you big roach.

After finishing up my meal and opening gifts I headed back into my room. I grabbed my phone to see I had 2 miss calls from steph and a long message from him.

~😍🏀 chef curry~ happy birthday to the one and only Miss Aerial. Over this pass time you have become a friend to me. Work hard, believe in yourself, help others, and just amazing all around. I can't wait to spend time with you😍😋💦 once again happy birthday funk funk😂👊🏾

I just smiled and decided to shoot him a quick thank you text before getting in the shower.

~me~ OMG 😩 thanks steph I can't wait to spend time with you either😳😜😘

I grabbed my wash cloth and walked into my bathroom feeling like the woman of the year.


I told Aerial I would pick her up after I finished handling business and by that I mean this dinner date for her tonight. I had to make sure it was special. She said she would come over after she got out the shower so I also made sure the maids cleaned good. I was distracted from my thoughts when the door bell went off. I started to catch butterflies because I didn't even have clothes on well a shirt. I went to open the door expecting Aerial but instead it was my baby momma.

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