Chapter 22

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i finally tracked her down. She staying with the big time super star KLAY Thompson.....she thought she could get away from me. I have to show her she is not to play with my heart. Now all I have to do is get her alone. First Ima break into their house and put some cameras up for a inside view.

Johnny: Chris get your ass over here. Ima need for you to watch out. Ima go In and put some cameras around.

Chris: you sick as fuck. Don't you know they gone catch your stupid ass. You really think this rich ass man stupid enough to make his house easy to get in. Nigga look at that big ass gate how you expect to squeeze your fat old ass through, cause you ain't got a code.

Johnny: bitch!!!

The lil nigga had a point. How was I going to get through and in the house.


I plan on taking aerial out Friday. This has to be the best date ever. She really mean everything to me and I know that mistake I made wasn't supposed to happen. I regret everything about it and she wasn't even good as aerial sad part to that. Right now I'm just calling my peoples up so we can have the best dinner ever. Ima shoot her a text to let her know.

~me~ wear something nice and sexy Friday. I'm picking u up at 9 dinner date on me😘

~😍❣aerial❣😍~ 😊 okay I'll be ready.

I threw my phone down and start to find something real dope to wear for Friday. This was going to be the best Friday night.


Klay: ahahaha! Stop playing Madison damn!

Madison: nigga you started it.

Every since Madison told me someone was after her I had to spend more time with her. I couldn't let anything happen to her she mean the world to me. I would kill anyone that want to hurt her. I plan on marrying this girl.

Madison: give me kisses so I can go back to sleep.

Klay: okay big baby


After a long ass day of work I decided to just relax with my baby Stariel. She is my lil munchkin and getting so big. I'm making us chicken pasta casserole and green beans. Then we going to watch episodes of bubble guppies and fall asleep. I love nights like these just me and my baby.

😔😔😔😔😔Short chapter but something big is about to happen. I'll be asking for names for new characters to come in.

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