Chapter 21

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waking up to steph and Stariel playing in my face I got upset at steph. He knew I hated being woke like that.

Aerial: steph get the fuck up out of my face.

Steph: but we miss you.!

Aerial: ughhh!

Star started clapping which made steph find it so funny. I decided to get up and get in the shower. After the shower I threw on some running shorts, a white crop tank, and a Nike hat because I didn't feel like messing with my hair. After that I went to look for my vapor.

Steph: aerial!!!!! Get down here now!

Aerial: the fuck...this nigga yelling like he my daddy.

I got on the elevator and went to the kitchen.

Aerial: what nigga?

Steph: did you do this?

Aerial: do what?

Steph: drink my juice up and left me a swallow.

I busted out laughing knowing I had woke up in the middle of the night drinking juice and eating the food we had left over from the slumber party.

Aerial: I don't know what your talk about.

Steph: I swear if you didn't look so good I would be on you like you wasn't my girl.

Aerial: I'm not tho.

Steph: oh that's right. Well you will be soon.

Aerial: lol we will see. Someone is already trying to take your spot so you better start doing something about it.

Steph: whatever. Are you about to go for a run?

Aerial: no. Why?

Steph: good. The clothes you have on look like it.

Aerial: no I'm just relaxing but since you said that I really should .

Steph: yea cause you kinda getting big.....

Aerial: Steph ! See that's why someone about to replace your ass.

Steph: you didn't let me finish i was about to say getting big in the ass. Since you said someone about to take my spot then you getting big all over.

Aerial: so....come on star let's go running.

Steph: lol I knew you would fall into it!


Madison: Bae I didn't know the nigga was loco!!

Klay: it's ok cause I'm loco as well when it comes to people I care about and love!!

Madison: I kno- wait you love me?

Klay: duhhh!! I love you I know I never said it cause I'm not the type to just say it but I do!

Madison: I love you too

Klay: it's okay your safe....I got you...stay with Jodi and mark the guards.

Madison: okay baby


Katie: rashawn stop

Rashawn: what

Katie: I have to go get Zaneya.

Rashawn: that little crying ass girl. Just get the fuck off me.

I got off him and sat there thinking how I got myself back in the same position.

Katie: I'm gone!

Rashawn: do that.

I slammed the door and left his house quick as fuck. I always put a nigga before my daughter but that is about to change.


So I got rid of one vonte and got me another one but a much better one.

Vonte: baby what you cooking?

Deejah: food

Vonte: lol stop playing you know what I mean.

Deejah: bacon burgers and steak fries. I'm inviting your family over as well.

Vonte: alright

He just bring so much peace to me. Although he have a child in Atlanta it's okay. He told me ahead of time and he have a steep job so Ian mad.


Aerial and star been gone for a long ass time. I was starting to get worried so I decided to call her.

Steph-so you don't sound out of breath to me, where y'all at?
Aerial-ummmm actually I was taking a breather
Background-ma'am your order is ready.
Steph- haaaaa! Caught your fat ass! I knew y'all was some where eating cause it's 5 and star be hungry round this time everyday!
Aerial-such a asshole!
Steph-hurry up I'm lonely without y'all.
Aerial-nigga play with your cock bye.

She hung up the phone in my face and I was going to do just what she said.


After getting off the phone with steph I grabbed my food and bumped into someone.

Aerial: oh I'm sorry.

Donni: it's okay.... I see you never gave me that call.

Aerial: lol donni really, how about this. We can go out Saturday night?

Donni: that's a perfect day. Just text me the time and I'll be there in lighting.

Aerial: I'll text you tonight. Have a nice evening.

Donni: same to you and your daughter is just as beautiful as you are.

Aerial: oh wow thanks.

Donni: no problem take care beautiful.

Aerial: lol you to handsome.

I walked out the door and to the car. I strapped star in safely and made my way home. After getting to the house i got star out and then I unlocked the door and called for steph.

Aerial: Stephen curry!!

Steph: Aerial Carson!!

Aerial: come help me.

He came down and help me get everything in the house.

Aerial: thanks

Steph: you not going home?

Aerial: kicking me out?

Steph: nah...slumber party number 2?

Aerial: hell naw! Naw naw naw.

Steph: lol you lame as fuck.

Aerial: chill night tonight.

Steph: whatever.

Aerial: put star to sleep and come rub my feet.

Steph: what do I get out of this?

Aerial: kisses and I'll let you rub my ass.

Steph: DEAL! Let's go star bedtime.

I laughed to myself and sent donni a quick text.

~me~ pick me up at 7:00pm sharp😉😉

~😍donni🍫~ alrighty sexy can't wait 😋

I smiled and put my phone on airplane mode. Getting the tale and lotion I was getting prepared for my foot rub by steph. Finally I get peace tonight.

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