Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

9 months later......



Steph: what I do baby?

Aerial: you did this to meeeee. Omg!

Steph: I'm sorry but you played a bigger role in's almost time to push baby just hang in there.

Aerial: I'm trying to hang on but I can't I can't !

Steph: babe this is your second child. You got this okay.

Aerial: I don't even know what I'm having.

Steph: well that was your fault for wanting to be a surprise.

Aerial: ahhhhh!!!! Fuck! Get the nurse.

Steph: oh damn! What's that? I'll be back baby.

Aerial: why why why!!!

Doctor: alright Mrs. Carson it's time.

Aerial: oh god.

Doctor: push!

Aerial: ARGHHHHHH!!!!

Steph: ahhhhhhh!!!

After being in some much pain and doing a lot of pushing and hearing Steph yell louder than me, my baby BOY was finally here. He is soooo handsome. I held him and then Steph came and took over.

Steph: look at daddy little man.

Aerial: awwwwn that's so cute.

Nurse: alright we have to get him cleaned we will bring him back shortly.

Aerial: ohhhh I'm tired.

Steph: get some rest baby Ima be right here.

Aerial: okay....I love you

Steph: love you too.


I was extremely proud to be having a son and yes i have been faithful and no fuck up. I plan on engaging to aerial in August which is next month. I thought about doing it on her birthday but that's too much of a repeat. I went to see klay and Madison and they was waiting to come in and see the baby. I watched klaylon and Ramaya walk together rubbing they little hands down the wall. Yes they can walk and they are some big ass bullies. Ramaya is mean just like her momma and klaylon is playful like his daddy until you make him mad. That little nigga become the hulk. Ramaya just look at you like she about to murk your ass but if you hit klaylon she will literally murk you. They protect each other like guard dogs and we loved that about them.

Klay: over already?

Steph: yeaaaa man

Madison: why the fuck you look so red like you been pushing a baby out.

Steph: you know your too old to be picking with people.

Madison: nigga you should be the last Person to say old.

Klay: so did she have a girl or boy?

Steph: .......uhhhhhhh

Madison: spit it out nigga!!

Steph: a boy!!

Madison: yes!!! Omg

Klay: now I got to lil niggas!

Steph: lol yeah. Aerial named him King stephon curry

Klay: KING! That's dope. King curry! That boy gone have to hold weight on his name.

Steph: i know right.

Madison: aerial always gotta go all out.

Steph: shut up animal cracker.

Klay: aye aye....don't make me whoop your ass boy

Steph: alright chill out hulk. Let's go see King.

We finally made it and they had King wrapped up like a burrito. I just watched Madison hold him and Klay talk a lot of shit to him. Klaylon and Ramaya was knocked out, so was aerial she looked so peaceful like she needed some rest.

Klay: think I want you to have another baby.

Madsion: you gotta be crazy.

Klay: just playing...too soon?

Madison: way too soon.

Steph: ha! Her well dry.

Klay: lol

Madison: fuck you and oh you wanna laugh like its true...

Klay: I wasn't laughing Bae. Something was tickling my throat.

Madison: yeah it's about to be my fist.

Steph: no boo boo kitty you is not about to threat my man like that.

I threw my head like I had weave to throw.

Madison: ahahahah! Lol you gay as fuck.

Klay: lol chill out dude.

Steph: ight I'm done playing with you kids.


Aerial: y'all so fucking loud.

Steph: see look y'all woke my baby.

Aerial: I need pain medicine Steph.

Steph: they right there.

Aerial: good.

Madison: I'm so in love with my nephew. Just look at him, he really is a king.

Aerial: I try I try. Where my babies?

Klay: knocked out over on the couch.

Steph: klaylon moving so he about to wake up.

Aerial: I wonder why.

Madison: your gay ass boyfriend.

Aerial: tragic. Have you been by the shop?

Madison: yes honey stop worrying. I got this under control.

Aerial: yeah yeah.

Madison: we gone get going so the kids can go lay down.

Aerial: alright come see me tomorrow.

Klay: I'm coming to see King tomorrow.

Aerial: nigga this my baby.

Klay: my nephew.

Steph: alright alright no arguing with my women.

Klay: shut up before I knock yo ass out

Steph: ooooee daddy you gone do me like that?

Aerial: ahahahah! You silly sit down and stop playing. Bring my baby here Klay before you try to take him home.

Klay: whatever....ill be back King!

Madison: lord! Hooked alright boo. Bye stiff

Steph: it's Steph and bye roach.

They left out and I laid back down.

Steph: Ima get going so I can pick star up from my moms house. I'm sure everyone gone come up tomorrow to see King so please be in a good mood.

Aerial: I gotcha

Steph: alright get some rest. I love you ma

Aerial: I love you too baby.

He left out and I started talking to King. He was so handsome and I can tell just by his looks he was going to be something big.

😔😔😔 sorry the chapters are getting smaller but this book will be coming to an end and the sequel will be put up. That's mainly focused on the children being older and having they on teen problems. Just know the ending will be shocking. 😱😱

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