Chapter 12

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She was riding me early this morning to wake me up. I have to be one lucky man!

Aerial: Steph I'm cumin!

Steph: naw! You just messed up!

I picked her up and slammed her back down on me hard. I kept doing this until I heard her scream out!

Aerial: I'm sorry daddy!! I'm sorry!! FUUCCCK!

I slowed down, and started doing deep slow strokes to ease up on her. After one more stroke I pulled out and nutted. She crawled off me and went to sleep faster than ever. I went to go run our bath water, I turned on the jacuzzi mode and put bubble bath in it. I came back in the room to wake her up and she was gone. I yelled her name and she yelled from the guest bathroom.

Aerial: in here babyyyyyyy

Steph: what you doing?

Aerial: nothing much throwing up my insides.

I laughed a little and went to grab our wash cloths.

Steph: come on, I got a bath ready for us.

Aerial: lol. You trying to get Bae of the year?

Steph: no I'm trying to make my future wife happy.

Aerial: really want that?

Steph: duhhhh!

Aerial: we will see nigga. Slow down I haven't met your family yet.

She was right I forgot about introducing her to my mom and dad. Even tho they were separated I still need to do right.

Steph: I'll set a date for all that now let's get in the tub.

She got in first and I got in behind her. It was so peaceful and calm. I love doing this. Especially with her cause the soft touches she give just make me even more happier.

Aerial: Steph....

Steph: watsup Bae?

Aerial: do you love me?

I was about to speak then stopped. Do I love her? Was this love? She was the first girl ever to make me feel this way....every since me and Ayesha divorced I thought I would never love again. Aerial is catching as fuck , I start to realize I do love this girl.

Steph: yes Bae I love you!

Aerial: OMG that made me feel so much better because I thought I was alone.....I love you too Steph!

She turned around and gave me this kiss I never felt that made me let my walls down. I'm falling and I don't care, she have to have my last name.


Unknown person: wake up bitchh we here.

Stefani: look Ian Finna be to many more bitches I'm to old for this shit. You better put some respeck on my name motherfucker!

She took the gun and smacked me with it! That shit hurt but I wasn't selling my daughter out. I just hope one of them dumb ass workers got my fucking note. Meanwhile I gotta break away from this lunatic.

Stefani: you hit like a bitchh!!


I started to call my mom. I been having this weird ass feeling, because I never heard from her or my dad. She was the only person I told about the threats and that I needed protection. Then I needed to tell her about the news. I know she would be pissed and for sure my crazy ass dad. I dialed her number and someone else answered.

Unknown- well well well!
Aerial- what the fuck!! Who is this?
Unknown-someone who is willing to make a deal.
Aerial- what the fuck do you want!
Unknown- you have someone I want and I have some one you want
Stefani-baby don't do it! Momma is okay this little weak bitch can't break me.

A tear rolled down my face. It's like I turn 18 and everything bad comes crashing on me! Someone wants to hurt me just for steph. This is sick and I'm tired. If this person want war then I'm ready. I gotta get my family...this shit just got real.

Aerial-look bitchh! You went to far for a fucking nigga, what you ain't getting no dick you need some money? Well you just fucked up. Taking my momma messing with my family will get your ass killed!! Tell me where the fuck you at so I can come blow your lights out and get my momma back.

Unknown- Boston!

The called ended and I just stood there. That's where steph is and now all this shit about to go down. All I could see was red. I'm going to tell my family about the news. This shit was deep and deeper than I thought.


I just came back from a business trip and I wanted to check on my business.

James: where the fuck is my wife?

Worker: i don't know she left a red note so that mean she in danger or gone on break.

James: you stupid motherfucker!!! She in danger!! Run the damn cameras back. When was the last time y'all saw her?

Worker: i don't know I just came in but yesterday I think.

James: bitch if I wasn't in a business I'll whoop your ass like you was one of my hoes I had working for me back in the day. Run the damn camera.

I watch the screen and someone had kidnapped my wife! My joint connection, I couldn't function right without her. She was the life and light of the family. I called all my kids up and told them to meet me at the house. Including the ones from Memphis....I told them to bring all the gangs and we was about to have war. Aerial also said she have some to tell us she knew what was going on. I was beyond mad. I have to get my wife back.


I just pulled up to the house and it was late as fuck. The driveway was deep with cars. I was worried at what everyone would say or do to me. Since this somewhat my fault. I walked in and every one was in the business office sitting at the table talking. I instantly got scared.

James: now aerial tell us what the fuck is going on.

Aerial: Listen. I'm dating Stephen curry and he thinks it's one of his crazy ass exes that want him back. I told mom last week that I been receiving threats and phone calls. I also told her to tell you I need me some get back. She was suppose to tell you and get back in contact with me but she didn't. So I called her and the crazy ass hoe had her phone saying that she have someone I want and I have someone she want. I asked where they was located at and she said Boston and that was it. Please don't kill steph daddy.....I could possibly have his baby.

Everyone just looked at me blank and quiet as hell. I started crying and feeling like I just cause so many problems.

Katie: wait a minute you telling me that you been dating steph curry and ain't said shit! Not just that but that you could be pregnant.

Deejah: you been slow fucking and laying lowkey! With this grown ass man! What the fuck is you on!

Aerial: bitchh I'm 18 years old! It don't matter if he 75 I can do what the fuck I want. I have my own money and my own career I can handle and take care of myself and my child!

James: y'all shut the fuck up!!! Don't y'all know stefani is in danger!! I don't give a damn if she was fucking Barack Obama! I need my damn wife!

Marshall: okay pops calm down don't get your blood pressure up.

Kedric: just calm down we need a plan. We know they in Boston. Did you tell her you was bringing us?

Aerial: no I just said I was coming.

Kedric: good I have the perfect idea.

I just shook my head and left out the room. All this drama and stress wasn't good for the baby. That's right baby, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. My whole life is just hitting back flips and I don't know if I can handle this. All I know is that I need to get my mother back.

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