Chapter 3

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~❣🏀Aerial~ Steph u dnt understand🙄

~Me~ tell me how I don't i have been a teenager before!

~❣🏀Aerial~ sick of u nd the age jokes nigga

Every since last night me and Aerial have been texting non-stop this girl is legit the best! I'm practicing and coach is calling for us to run the play again.

~me~ gtg

~❣🏀Aerial~ ughh okay 😔

OMG she's going to miss me. I wonder is she feeling me. I have to do something special for her birthday I just don't know yet.

Coach: Steph get your head into this!!

Steph: sorry coach let's run it again.

This whole practice I have been messing up. My mind been on Aerial and what she been saying. She have a lot coming up prom, test, and college tours and more. I know she says she don't need any help but with her parents always working she be on her own. Not to mention her car broke down and she stuck with waiting on rides. Just wish I could help her out.

Coach: alright men, let's call it a day.

I quickly grabbed my things and left. I went to pick Aerial up from aau practice but she insisted we stayed to play one on one again. Knowing me I was down to do it. I parked and walked into the gym seeing her  in her zone and with no shirt on again, damn watsup with this girl and no shirt. I just stood there watching her work and work until she looked up and saw me looking. She flashed a smile and I instantly start to melt.

Aerial: so your going to watch me or get this butt whooping I got in store for you.

Steph: very funny, but didn't you lose last time?

Aerial: true true...lets make a bet if I win you buy me dinner....if you win I'll do whatever you say.

Steph: deal , lets go!!!

Aerial: first ball

Steph: ight

After spending forever and ever trying to guard this girl I had to let go. Her ass kept jiggling on my man hood and her seriousness made me feel like rocking her. She made her shot but I still won. I was walking up behind her to scare her but she turned around and now we were face to face. Inches away from our lips connecting.

Aerial: ummmm you beat me

Steph: I know I did. I said without moving saving this moment.

Aerial: if I knew any better I think your about to kiss me

I looked in her eyes and study her lust....she wanted this kiss as bad as I did but something held me back.

Steph: Ohhhhh my fault. I smirked backing up.

Aerial: it's okay but what you want me to do?

Steph: let me take you out on your birthday.

Aerial: oh Wowwwww ummmm I have no choice.

A horn start to beep letting us know that her ride was here. We grabbed our things and walked to the door.

Steph: text me when your home and done with everything.

Aerial: will do!

She walked out the gym and my baby momma started calling me. I pressed ignore and locked up the doors.


Girl I know it's like he feeling me. I said as I talked on the phone with my best friend. I told her how close me and steph been and she is freaking out about it. I know he is way older than me but age is just a number well the only thing holding me back is that he have a daughter. I'll be 18 soon so I won't be able to hold that excuse for to long. Girl speaking of steph he just text me I said happily to Madison

~😍🏀chef curry~ so either u lied or u don't wanna text me🤔😔

Omg Madison I'll call you back. "Wow booty call", she said playfully.  No nasty I'm just texting him goodnight. I hung up and smiled from ear to ear texting him back

~me~ ohhhh shut up cry baby I was on the phone

~🏀😍 chef curry~ I was thinking about doing a little dinner date or fun date for your birthday

~me~ fun date? I'm not a kid I'll take dinner date😋😋

I put my phone down to throw on some lace panties and no bra with a big tshirt from my dad closet.

~😍🏀 chef curry~ lol 😂 you chose dinner date cause you're fat

~me~ I'm fat for real?

I start to look in the mirror and pick with my stomach or what others say my ribs.

~😍🏀chef curry~ I'm joking you have an sexy ass body💦😻

My cheeks started to raise higher than what they were so I know for sure I was blushing.

~me~ 😊😊 thanks goodnight steph😘

~😍🏀chef curry~ woaahhh kissy face I must be doing really good😜. Goodnight Aerial 😘

I looked at my phone and started smiling. This man is going to be some serious issues. I just wanna lay up under him! I turned over and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

😳😳😳😳 wtf!!! I know y'all mad at me😂😂 but more intense coming soon!

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