《f i f t e e n》

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Every step I took brought a loud echo from every inch on the empty school hallway. My neck ached from turning sideways trying to find room E203 in this new school. It's been two weeks since we moved to the capital leaving our whole family behind back in Jerome. Andi walked me as far as he could before heading for class himself.

Now I'm left stranded with a tardy. I seem to finally reach the E wing but there's only 100's in this hall. Clenching my new printed schedule I walk back and stop at a bathroom to catch my breath. I decide to go inside to see if my hair is in a mess or if the sweat I feel in noticeable.

As I turned to head inside I bump into someone. I jump back from the impact against this stranger. ''Oh sorry,'' She had dirty blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes. Before I could say anything a gasped escaped her mouth leaving it in a oval shape. ''Are you a Minder!''

''A what?'' I lowered my brows at the unfamiliar word as she looked confused as well.

''A mi..'' She reached to remove my hands from my stomach making her cheeks a rosy shade. ''Oops I thought your shirt said 'Forever in your mind' .'' Looking down at the writing in my shirt it read 'Forever in you heart'. ''But do you know who there are?!'' Her voice sounds exited and the pink in her cheeks has vanished.

''Never heard of them,'' I shook my head sideways.

''Girl you are missing out!'' She snaked her arm in my shoulder and started leading me into the bathroom. ''I'll tell you all about them!''

''Yeah sure but I really need to go,'' I gesture to the stalls hoping that will make her leave me alone.

''Oh that's okay I'll wait. I can just talk while you're in there.'' I kept my face straight and nodded before going to the farthest stall. ''Oh that lock doesn't work very well!'' She informed me once i was inside. ''I'll hold the door for you.''

Before I could even stop her I saw the pink in her nails wrap around the top of the door. I let out a sigh and started listening to her.

''Okay so Forever in your mind are a band composed of three hot guys. But in my opinion my Jon is the hottest, you should see his blue eyes there just uhg beautiful here I'll show you.'' With her free hand she lifted up her phone and showed me her lock screen showing the blue eyes she was daydreaming about.

''Oh there like yours,''

''Really! You think so?'' she sucked her breath and I could sense a smile coming from her.

''Yeah,'' This is really awkward.

''Thank you! Okay so back to the guys they were formed in the X factor 2013 and got eliminated during the 4 chair thing after singing Love Bug...'' she kept on rambling about this and that, the whole time, as I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, dried my hands until I stopped her.

''They sound really interesting, but I really need to find my class.''

''Find it? Are you new?'' She applied some lip gloss.

''Yeah, can you help me?'' I handed her the schedule.

''Room E203 ! It just so happens to be right in front of my class here I'll take you.'' She folded it handing it back to me. We both walked side by side up the hallway. ''Sorry if I weirded you out back there I got too exited.'' '

''It's fine,'' it made me forget that I was in an alien place.

We go up a stairs turning left and then come to a stop. ''Here we are room E203.''

Bandmate ||Ricky Garcia||Where stories live. Discover now