《s i x t y - f i v e》

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((Sooo what do y'all think of Brett Dier aka Michael Cordero aka Stephen Clay FIYM's new manager???))


Audrey's POV

I ran back inside in search for paper towels the moment I see crimson blood drip down his chin. I wrapped it around my hand and ran back outside to find everyone supporting Jon, helping him sit on the picnic table.

''What the heck happened?'' I ask quickly helping Jon's bloody hands apply pressure to his nose.

''Emery spiked the ball straight to his face.'' I hear Hadley's voice from behind Emery.

''It wasn't a spike. It was more like a gentle touch.''

''You almost blew my nose off.'' Jon's voice is muffled through the paper.

''We just have different definitions of gentle, that's all.'' Emery scratched his head and apologized the moment Jon's body started to sway back and forth.

''You okay?'' Nyla asked and I couldn't help but give her a stare.

Jon nodded and tried getting up but failed, ''I just feel a little dizzy.''

''Should I bring water, an ice pack, more paper towels, and ambulance?'' Jos asked frantically.

''I would like some Pop,'' Jon tells her giving her a tired smile. Jocelyn sprinted back inside.

''Every time we play volleyball someone gets hurt,'' Emery comments and it made the scar on the sole of my foot tingle. I had completely forgotten about it.

''Let's just go back inside and wait till it gets darker to roast the marshmallows,'' Hadley says and the guys help Jon get up and bring him inside. They sat him on the couch and we took turns showering. As I waited for Hadley to come out I noticed Nyla and Jon talking. She was sitting right next to him and Jon was clearly flustered.

''I did pack my towel didn't I?'' The sound of Jocelyn's voice breaks my trance and before she walks closer to me and sees them talking, I run back to help her. I told Nyla to stay away and there she was close and cuddly next to the guy whose heart she broke.

I had become oblivious to the fact that I was walking around with just a bikini until I saw myself in the room's mirror. I cringed and tried to cover myself as fast as I could. There was a hidden sense of accomplishment that rose from taking off that shirt, but now I was going back dressing like my usual self.

After everyone had taken a shower and the sun has completely shooed away by the moon we gathered around to see Ricky and Liam struggle to start a fire. That is until Hadley had enough of the comedy show and started the fire herself.

Liam started to play the guitar and the guys sang some songs. ''Hey y'all actually sing pretty well. You could be famous.'' Hadley says sticking a marshmallow into a stick. Liam started to chuckle.

''We're actually a boyband.'' Ricky coughed up.

''We go by Forever In Your Mind,'' Emery added. She still had no clue.

''We won several AMAs and Teen Choice awards...'' Jon eyebrows raised in hope that would ring a bell.

''You seriously never heard of them?'' Jos asked letting her jaw drop.

''Sorry but I'm not a boyband type of person, but good for you I guess.'' She smiled and gave us two thumbs up.

''I thought the reason you wanted to come on the trip was because you were a fan.'' I honestly thought that.

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