《f o r t y - o n e》

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''I don't think blue is my color,'' I say staring at my tiny boobs barely filling up the chest area. Moments like these I wished they were a tiny bit bigger. Ricky is seating behind me with his head tilted examining me up and down. Not sure if to feel flattered because he's technically 'checking' me out or apprehensive he's looking at my child body. ''Can I not wear her color?''

''Maybe it's for the better, they all look hideous on you.'' As soon as I raise my brows he took it back. ''I meant that the dresses were shitty, you're not shitty. You're beautiful.'' He smiles at me.

''Nice save. Okay, forget the blue dresses pass me the white one.'' I point at the only dress I liked. As he digs through the pile the familiar sound of the ding from phone jingles next to him. It startles him for a bit, but he tosses me the dress and I go to change.

As I stripped down from the blue and stepped into the white one, I tried my best to zip it up from the back. ''Ricky can you help me?'' I call for him but nothing. I say it again but this time I peak out the door. His eyes are scanning my phone, a firm line forms on his lips. ''What are you doing?'' I ask forgetting of my exposed back and walk up to him, my toes curl from the cold marvel floor.

Ricky's POV

No sooner than Audrey closed the door I went straight to her phone. Call it payback for all those time she snooped around my shit, it won't hurt if I go through hers. Opening her phone I see a message on Instagram from a guy. Typing in her birth year which is a terrible obvious password I go into her account. Who the fuck is this Sam person?

I hear her calling but I'm too busy clicking on this creeps profile. Fuck, he's not ugly. ''What are you doing?'' The yellow of her nail polish distracts me.

''You and Sammy good friends?'' I asked continuing to scroll through a guy who has more shirtless pictures than he does followers. Unconsciously I tuck in my belly while exiting out of her phone giving it back to her.

''Not really. I forgot he existed until you mentioned him,'' She stares at her phone reading the message. I'm waiting for her to yell at me for invading her privacy and looking through her stuff, but nothing. ''Why?'' She starts to laugh and takes a seat next to me.

''Please don't tell me that the great Ricky Garcia is jealous?'' Her voice cracks with laughter and I just stare at her eyes wrinkle up and cute little bunny teeth show through her lips.

''I'm not, it's just I don't want any guys talking to you that I don't know.'' Or talking to any male that isn't in the band.

''That right there is the definition of jealous. Don't worry about it, I usually answer every 6 hours,'' She shrugs getting back up turning her back to me, her exposed skin right in front of my eyes. ''Now can you please?'' She wiggles her hips and I reach for the zipper and slowly graze it up, not wanting to pull her hair.

''Oh hell yes,'' I say as she twirls around me, her hair dripping down her shoulders. ''Well that's a keeper,'' I say keeping my focus on how content she looks with herself.

''I guess you're right, plus it's a bonus because it's also the cheapest. You got to look out for clearance.'' She goes back to change back to her regular clothes and I turn to look up this guy on my own account. Once I find him I notice something that wasn't on Audrey's phone. We have one mutual friend, Marc. My brother?

''How in hell?'' I whisper under my breath refreshing my phone to see if my eyes were tricking me. They weren't. My brother and this Sam fellow are following each other for some freaky reason. Once I hear the click of the lock creaking open I turn my phone off.

Audrey's POV

Yes, Sam and I have been chatting the past few days but it's barely a conversation. Like I told Ricky I barely answer the guy, but he's funny and with my mom being a gray floating cloud over me it's nice to have him right there on my phone. The weight of the bag that carries my dress pulls me down, as we walk to the next store and look for a tie since he already had a suit.

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