Still No Park Jimin...

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Jungkook's POV

I walked a little bit earlier to school today because JHope said he had something to tell me. I found out yesterday that he and I live in the same neighborhood. So we exchanged numbers and started texting last night. But there was some news he just HAD to tell me in person. I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw him on the corner of the bus stop. I didn't use the bus yesterday cause I didn't know anyone but I'm glad I found Hoseok. He has been so nice to me.

"Who has been so nice to you?" He asked as I reach him.


"You said someone has been really nice to you. OMG is it me? Wow I feel so honored that Jungkook thin-" He laughs as I push him.

"Shut up! Who said I was talking about you?" I however failed to keep a straight face as I joined his laughter. "Sooo? When are you going to tell me this news that is SO important you can't say over the phone?"

His laughter stops and he looks down blushing while smiling. He keeps adjusting his position and says, "Well, you see..."

"Yes?" Why can't he just spit it out?

"I think I... Found someone..." He grins like he just found out he just solved the whole world peace debacle.

"Who? And when? We have literally been in school for... A day?" I can't believe him.

"Well his name is Kim Taehyung and he has a couple classes with me... And yesterday I stayed after school to wait for my mom to pick me up and we just started talking..."

"..." Wow. Finding a boyfriend must be so easy when you look like JHope.

"So we went to get coffee and took a lot of pictures together. It was really fun. He was so weird but I like that about him. He was also talking about his friend and that he needs to find someone for him. So I said, why not Jungkook?"

My eyes widen as I push him for the second time. "You asshole! Why are you just giving me to any random lonely person! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I keep kicking and screaming at him but I stop when I realize that he's laughing. "You're... you're laughing?" My jaw drops in disbelief. I continue to hit him again but his beating is cut short as the bus pulls up. We get on and meet up Jin.

"Hey! I didn't know you were on this bus!" We sit down in the two seater across from him. He just looks away from what he was previously looking at and smiles.
"Hey guys! Yeah I get on in an earlier bus stop." We start talking about Hosek's love life when they bring up mine. Here we go again. Hoseok needs to stop with all this arranged dating.

"But why don't you give it a try? It won't hurt going on ONE date with him. Taehyung says he's nice so what's the big deal?" To be honest, I had no problem with going on one date with his friend. But I keep thinking about my hero. Of course they wouldn't understand but that might partly have to do with the fact that I haven't told them about it yet...
"Listen Hoseok, I just don't feel that available right now and..." I look up to see if they are eating this BS. They aren't. It seems they know me better than I thought.

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