Break-up Sex

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Jungkook's POV

Coming back from the beach was exhausting so joining Jimin in the shower was honestly one of the best ideas I've had in a while. I locked the bedroom door behind me and I begin to undress after I hear the shower turn on. My smirk grows as I open the door signaling that I was coming in the bathroom. "Jungkook?" I open the shower curtain, taking in the view before me.

"Fuck Jimin. You look..." My eyes trace his entire wet body. I hop in too and close the curtain, the heat returning. He wraps his arms around my now wet waist and brings his lips closer to mine. Our kiss is slow but passionate. The hot water instantly soothing and arousing. The blood rushing downwards as I pull him in closer and feel every part of his body. He moans into my mouth and brings his hands through my hair. He puts one of my hands to grab his ass and I can't believe I'm so lucky. 

"Mmmhhmmm Jimin." My other hand travels down to his dick and softly rub him while bringing my lips to his neck.

"Jung...kook~ Don't tease me." I start leaving a hickey on the base of his neck and he moans louder. I want to make it evident that Jimin is mine so that Yoongi doesn't get any ideas. He grips my hair tighter and pushes his hips forward. Our dicks rub together in the most satisfying way and I can't help but scream in pleasure. "Jimin! Fucking- ahh"

"Just fuck me already." He wraps his legs around my waist and I push him against the wall to keep him from falling down. I become a moaning mess as I start grinding our dicks together. "S-stop t-teasing Jungkook." Using the water from the shower, I lubed up my cock and place it at his entrance. I push in with ease and I almost cum from how tight he is.

"Jimin! You're so tight... Shit." I start out slow, letting him get adjusted but it's not long before he stops saying "wait" and starts saying "faster". I pick up the pace, the sound of our skin slapping together being drowned out by the sounds of our moans.

"Jungkook! Fuck." I grip his throbbing dick and pump at the same pace of my thrusts. He was already leaking and I know I'm close too.

"Jimin! Ahhh! I'm so close." He nods in agreement and I go deeper, if that possible. I thrust through Jimin's orgasm and he cums all over my chest and hand. I release right after, my hip thrusts become irregular and I scream his name. "Jimin!" I slow down, panting in the crook of his neck.

"I love you Jungkook." I meet his gaze and part the hair from his eyes.

"I love you too babe." I smile and pull out. The shower is still going and I take the opportunity to rinse off and do the same to Jimin.

"Let's get out." I agree with him and he turns off the shower. We come out with towels around our waist and I know he is showing off his abs on purpose. He bends over to pick his clothes from the drawer and it is taking all my power to not grab his ass and fuck him again. He gets up and smirks, knowing what he is doing.

"You are such a tease." I whisper in his ear and grind my dick on his ass.

"Mmhhhmm was the shower not enough?" He slightly looks behind him and meets my eyes.

"Not even close." I tug on his earlobe with my teeth and trace his famous abs with my fingers. "Let's go for round two." My hand dips in his towel and my thumb rubs his slit back and forth, making sure I torture him with a slow pace.

"Why are you doing this?" His head leans back onto my shoulder and he meets my lips with his. I slip my tongue in between one of his moans.

"Remember that I'm the only one who can make you feel this way." I whisper into his ear again making sure he gets the idea. "You know that right?" I take his earlobe in my teeth again, loving the way it feels in my mouth. I stop rubbing and look at him. "Right?" He whimpers at the loss of my touch.

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