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(A/N: That 👆 picture of Jungkook is BEAUTIFUL 😍😍😍 I'M SO GLAD I FOUND IT ❤ Anyways, back to the story, Happy reading! 😊)

Jimin's POV

I get home full of thoughts. Why does that asshole interfere so much? We were having a moment. If he really is a friend, he would have let us be. If they were dating, he would have come at me the second I kissed him. Who is he?


The next day goes by quickly. I want to call Jungkook but I realize I don't have his number. So I call someone who might.

Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Hey Tae, I was wondering if you could ask Hoseok for Jungkook's number."

"Yeah sure. Actually, he's here with me right now. Hold up."



"Hoseok? Hey, can you get me Jungk-"

"I'm sorry, but he doesn't want to speak with you right now." What?

"Wait, no tell him it's Jimin."

"He knows."

"Why doesn't he want to speak with me?"

"Are you serious?" He spat.

"What did I do wrong?" I'm dumbfounded. I thought we made up?

"Just give him some space..."

"But I didn't do any-"

"Goodbye Jimin."

He ends the call and my mouth is open from shock. What the fuck? What did I do this time?

Then I make a decision. I'll just go to his house. If he's not there, I'll wait until he comes over. I step outside my house in all white and a black tie. I need to make him feel as special as I know he is. Before going to his house, I stop by the flower shop to get him a single rose.


Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook, please stop crying. It's not good for you." Hoseok rubs my back as I try to tell him all that had happened. Key word: try.

"It's just... That... He keeps telling me... That he likes me... And then he goes behind my back... And does something else... And I... I ... Can't help but believe him...but.." I keep crying, wallowing in self pity. "Then... my friend... He kept this secret... From me... And he tells me he loves me... But he rejected me before... And I don't know if I feel happy... Or upset..." I don't know who I'm going to choose. They both lied to me, they both tell me they love me, they both teased me...

"Thank you for talking to Jimin for me." I say to Tae and Hoseok. "I'm glad at least some of us made it." I say while holding both of their hands. They look at me apologetically but say nothing.

"I think I'm going to be ok. I promise." I grip their hands a little tighter then let go. "Actually, I think I'll go home soon. Do you think we could go watch a movie first? I've been dying to do something fun." They look at me unsure but get up from the bed.

"Yeah let's go." Tae gets up as he leads us to his living room.

I run to his movie selection and pick Iron Man. Of course. "Let's watch this! I didn't really watch it in the movies the first time..." They agree. We start watching but every scene reminds me of Jimin, when he tried to make me his. How he puts his hands on my thigh, slowly getting higher. Gripping me just right as I let out an involuntary moan. Shit. Stop. I could tell I already had a problem so I excused myself to go to the restroom. Stop thinking about him. He hasn't done any good. I splash some cold water on my face to help the situation but I look down to see that it doesn't. It's a good thing the room was dark or else they would have seen it. I pace around the bathroom for a while but it still stays up. Fuck. Maybe... I could just... No. Stop. You're in someone else's house for crying out loud. Later. In order to stop myself I think of a lot of turn-offs.

Girls. Yeah. Think of girls. Eventually it goes down. Fuck. I need to stop.

I head back to the living room and they look concerned. "Are you ok? You were in there a while." Hoseok asks and I blush at my reason but don't say it. "Yeah, I just... Had a really bad stomach ache." Hopefully they bought it. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Good. The movie ends soon and I decide to go home.

"I'm beat so I'm gonna walk home now. Ok?"

"Yeah ok, see you tomorrow!" Oh shit I still have to face Yoongi and Jimin tomorrow. Ughh.

I start walking home and it's already sunset. Maybe I could finish what I started at home... No! You're still mad at him. Don't think about him. But then again he doesn't have to know...

"Who doesn't have to know what?" I look up and find Jimin sitting on the steps in front of my house. Fuck, I thought out loud.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

Sorry I made this a short chapter. 🙈 I just have a lot of crap to do. I finished my first day of exams! Yay!!!! I'm so happy.

Tell me what you think!

Lucian is a dick, I know. He justs comes out like that. I can't help it.

And Jungkook was about to masterbate in his friends house 😂😂😂😂 Silly boy.

Love you! Make sure to vote!

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