Hunted and Hijacked

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(A/N: Even though I didn't meet my vote goal previously😭, I just added up the votes from the last chapter with the Yoongi and Jay one. I just felt bad for the ones that actually voted. So here it is, for the voters. 😊 Happy reading!❤️)

Jay's POV

It's all falling apart. It feels like all I do these days is pace around and try to decide if giving up Jin is really worth it. I'm not sure if Yoongi feels the same as I do because he is always with...

I breathe out and kick my bed post. "Ouch!" Fuck me. I limp towards the bed and lay down, letting the pain fizzle out. I'm unsure if I can even call Yoongi my friend anymore. He's slipping through my fingers and there's only one thing I can do to stop it.

Then there's the problem of Namjoon. I know for a fact that he's going to try and hunt me down if I give Jin up. But...


The least I could do is warn him. I call Namjoon to meet up. He's obviously suspicious but he agrees. I decide that we should meet in an open area so he can't hurt me but also secluded so no one will hear what we're talking about.

The park.

I arrive early to scope out the area but it doesn't take long because I see Namjoon arriving, doing the same thing. I chuckle to myself thinking, of course he's going to do the same thing. We were practically sculpted by the same person. To go further, we could even be comrades. Comrades that never really met before this entire mess.

To be honest I only heard good things about the guy. Mostly how efficient he was at the job but that all changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless air benders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. (A/N: 😂 JK. Just read the part where he disappeared.)

So I was brought to the office to be given the details of my assignment. I was to "investigate". That's when I started to learn more about him, and realized that what I wanted was what he had. Love. I think that's what's making it so hard for me to make this choice. That I'm ripping apart the relationship that made me realize the gaping hole I had in my heart.

I reach him and we sit side by side on the bench. "What are you doing here Jay?"

I breath in and out before continuing. "I'm going to go through with my deal with James..." He stays silent. "I need to tell him about Jin." He tries to stay strong but he fails by letting a tear fall down.

"Please. Don't." It breaks my heart to see this but I can't let any emotion show. "You know what they'll do.They will take full advantage of him, anything short of murder." I sigh. He's right.

"But I-"

"Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit." He tries to keep his composure considering where we are. "Just..." He breathes out. "It doesn't even matter anymore."

"What? What do you mean?"

"We... Aren't together anymore."

I shake my head in protest. "It doesn't matter. He will still use him as a bargaining chip to make you come back." He shakes his head no. "You know I'm right."

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