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(A/N: 4K!! 🎉🎉🎉 THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME. ❤️ Also, did anyone watch scrubs? I liked it. Happy reading!😊)

Yoongi's POV

*Beep _/'- Beep _/'- Beep* (that's the best I could do 😂 sorry.)

That's all I hear every day. But I don't mind because that's the only signal that shows Jay is still alive. He pulled through the surgery but is now in a coma. And it's all my fault.

I let a tear slip and tighten my grip on Jay's lifeless hand. If I hadn't told him to go to Namjoon and make up, they wouldn't have gone to the warehouse. He wouldn't have been shot. My eyes follow the tubes that flow in and out of his body. The IV line that feeds him nutrients, the breathing tube that acts as his lungs, the blood transfusion lines that assist his heart. It's all too much and I'm the one that did this to him.

*knock knock*

I turn to see Namjoon in the doorway holding flowers. He smiles at me and I smile back weakly. No one talks as he places the flowers in the vase and pulls up a chair to the other side of his body.

"Jay, I-" his tears start to well up too as he sees the discoloration of his skin. "You probably won't hear this but... I want to thank you. For saving Jin when I couldn't. Thank you so much. You have no idea what it means to me." He glances at me for a couple seconds before continuing. "Well, you might have some idea." He brushes his thumb against the palm of Jay's hand and I shift a little, obviously uncomfortable with the touch. He notices and smirks. "I'm sorry, are you... Jealous?"

I scoff. "Jealous? No. Never." I smirk and see that his hand is still on Jay's. "But you don't need to hold his hand that long." He lifts up his arms in defeat.

"If you say so." He looks back at Jay and smiles. "And Jay, I want you to know that I forgive you." He pats his hand again but this time I've had enough.

"Ok thank you Namjoon, you can leave now." I swat away his hand and he chuckles, standing up to leave us alone again.

"Before I leave, I wanted to ask you something."


"When was the last time you slept?" I laugh in response.

"You don't have to worry about me. I sleep fine."

"It doesn't look like it." I frown at him. "Have you... Gone home yet?"

I shake my head. "No, I wanna be here when he wakes up. Right by his side." I smile at Jay as if he will smile back. Namjoon starts walking back to the chair he left and sits down again. "What are you doing?"

"You need to sleep so go home and sleep. I will be here in case he wakes up."

"No! Namjoon I said I was fine." He sighs but doesn't budge.

"You are obviously not. And this way you can look your best when Jimin comes to visit." My heart skips a beat at his name.

"Why w-would that matter? If it was Jimin that came to visit?"

He chuckles before answering. "I know about the whole fake relationship thing but I didn't say anything because I didn't care. And I also know how Jay feels." He looks down at Jay's resting face. "I consider Jay a friend so if you could please not break his heart?"

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