This Is How You Lose Him

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(A/N: Don't hate me. 🙈 Happy reading! ❤️)

Jungkook's POV

"Jimin I need to ask you something and you need to answer truthfully... Where did you get this?"

He doesn't answer and looks down avoiding my gaze.

"Jimin?" He gets up off the bed and paces around before looking back at me.

"Jungkook. I want you to hear me out and not get mad. Can you do that for me?" I almost laugh in his face.

"Not get mad? I'm already mad Jimin! Why the fuck won't you just answer?" He looks down again and shifts around, making my blood boil more. "I'm waiting Jimin..."

"W-well ok... So um I'll start off with the fact that the mask is mine..." I don't interrupt and he continues. "A-and um the thing is, when you said that you were robbed.. I ... I pretended not to know but... Um.." He tightens his eyes and shakes as he continues. "Well I'm the guy who... I-" Stop.

"Are you saying you were the guy who robbed me?" My throat suddenly feel dry and I keep swallowing to try and relieve it but nothing is working.

"No! Of course not! I-I'm the guy who... Saved you..." My world spins and I grab onto the bed post for balance. He puts his hand on the back of his neck again, a nervous habit I have come to know very well.

"What the fuck Jimin!" I scream at him and he lets a single tear fall.

"I know. I know that I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry." This time I actually laugh in his face.

"You're sorry? You're sorry!?!?!? Jimin why the fuck would you lie to me!" His tears keep falling down and I wonder why mine aren't flowing freely. I put it in the back of my mind thinking that it was out of shock.

"Please Jungkook I'm sorry!"

"Explain Jimin!"

He sniffles before continuing. "At first I was really mad because you didn't recognize the guy who practically saved you from getting shot." I laugh again in disbelief.

"Mad? You were mad at me and that's why you didn't tell me? Ha! The fucking irony."

"Jungkook let me finish! Please..." The last part barely audible over his cries. I decide to let him finish, wondering where this might lead. "At first I was mad but then I realized you had a crush on the person who saved you and I didn't want to tell you because I wanted you to love me for me. Not because I saved you from-" he stops talking and I start to get mad again.

"From who Jimin?" Still no answer. "Do you know who attacked me?!?" I am out-of-my-mind-mad right now. He starts to cry again while speaking at the same time and through the cries I understood that he did know who attacked me. "Jimin! How could you keep this from me! Who was it?" He shakes his head in fear but I know in my heart that it was a fear from someone other than me. "Did he threaten you?" He shakes his head again.

"N-no. It's the person he works for that scares me..." He looks away and I know he wants to stop but I can't leave this unresolved. I need to know.

"Jimin I don't want you to think that I would ever like you based on you saving me. I love you for you." He nods in agreement. "But I need you to tell me who did it. We can take them to jail together. We don't have to be afraid." He starts to cry harder and I don't understand why.

"I-it's Namjoon." My world stops again and I let myself fall to the ground. I'm on my knees when the hidden tears come to light. Namjoon. It was fucking Namjoon this entire time.

"How could you let me be around him? You know better than anyone the dreams I've had with him! The nightmares that haunt me even in the day time!" He doesn't reply but cries harder.

"He almost killed me and you let me sleep in the same house as him, even become friends with him!" Jimin still keeps his mouth shut and that angers me more so I keep going. "I'm disgusted by him Jimin! I had no idea how dangerous he was and how close I had gotten to him only makes this worse. I was around my biggest fear, the reason for my sleepless nights when I lie awake, afraid." He continues to cry and I go up to him grabbing his wrists. "Say something damn it!"

He only nods slightly but doesn't open up. Fuck this. The tears come down more freely and I grab my dirty clothes and leave. I slam the bedroom door behind me and run down the stairs almost tripping a couple of times. His parents come out of their bedroom and ask if I'm alright. "I'm fine! I just need to go..." I slam their front door too and run down the street, hoping to give myself enough pain in the legs to outweigh the pain in my heart.


Jin's POV

Namjoon is in the kitchen when I heard his phone ring. His phone was on the table and I checked to see who it was.

[Chim Chim]

Cute. I let it go to voicemail but he called again.

What is happening? I decide that it was important so I pick up his phone and was about to answer when the ringing stopped. I shrugged it off thinking it was ok now. This time the phone vibrated a bit and I check to see what Jimin sent in case it was an emergency.

[I told Jungkook about you and he is so upset I don't know what he'll do. He might tell Jin. Make sure he doesn't find out.]

The anger rises through me as I think about all the possible secrets he could have kept from me. "Namjoon!"

"Yeah? What's wrong baby?"

"Shut up and get in here." He comes fast, looking worried.

"What's wrong? Are you mad or some-"

"What is this?" I show him the phone with Jimin's text. His eyes widen but he doesn't answer.

"Namjoon... Tell me!"

Yeahhhh I'm sorry to stop here but at least I updated faster? I hope you liked it! ❤️

I'm gonna do this thing where I have a vote goal and if I reach it, I update the next chapter. 😊 I've seen a bunch of writers do it so I thought I would give it a try.

I get a constant wide range of reads from 15-170 reads per chapter which is weird but whatever. I was thinking I could set the goal at 5? Is that too high? Hmmm I'll just leave it at 5.

**Vote goal: 5**

I hope I reach it 🙏

Make sure to vote and comment ❤️ Have a nice day lovelies! ❤️❤️❤️

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