The Running Princess

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Jungkook's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I take a deep breath and pack the final clothes in the suitcase.

"I'm sure." He rubs my back and I take one final look at my room. I can't believe my parents agreed to this. I put the suitcase in the trunk and close the door. "Hold up. I forgot something." I run back to the house and check if I left any lights on or doors unlocked. I also make sure to put the spare key under the mat, in case I lose mine anywhere. I sigh, locking the house and taking one last look. I send a text to Jimin so he doesn't waste anytime looking for me. If he wants to know more, he can ask Hoseok.

"Jungkook! Come on! We need to catch a flight!" Lucian yells from the car. I speed walk down the stairs and enter the car. "Jeez. You act like you're going away forever. We're just going to Korea for the rest of the summer." I nod agreeing.

"You're right. I know you are." Lucian turns on the ignition and drives away, stopping at the corner, obeying the red light. I take one last look at the house I won't see for a couple months and I see a figure running down the street. Jimin?

He runs up the stairs, looking in the windows of my house. He finds the keys right where I place them and I scoff, realizing how well he knows me. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." He turns the corner and drives away. He came to look for me. I shake my head. I'm not going back. I'm done with him. I look in the rear view mirror seeing Jimin enter the house.

Sorry for the HELLA short chapter but I updated twice sooo, it's ok?

**Vote Goal: 10**

Don't hate me for this. 🙈

Make sure to vote and comment! Have a nice day lovelies! ❤️❤️❤️

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