So Close, Yet So Far

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I'm sorry Rae.

Jimin's POV

After Jungkook left, I was a mess. I keep replaying what happened over and over, trying to think of some other outcome that wouldn't lead to this. Maybe if I woke up before, or maybe if I moved the mask somewhere else or... Or... Or something... I keep racking my brain but it doesn't matter how he found out. He would have known eventually but it only would have hurt him more, since the secret would have been kept longer.

I call him for the millionth time and he still won't answer. I know he wants space but a simple, "I'm fine." Or a "I got home ok" text would be nice. My parents asked me repeatedly what happened but I'm not going to tell them anything. We are going to get back together soon. There's no reason to worry them.

Weeks of him ignoring me pass and I almost give up. I want to call Yoongi but I'm not sure if that's the best option. We were friends but that will only be cruel, knowing how he feels for me. But he's moved on. He's with Jay. I find my phone and ring him up.


"Y-yeah... Um do you think that maybe... You could come over?" He remains silent for a couple minutes. "If it's not ok with Jay then-"

"No that's fine. Wait, why do you care about what Jay thinks?" Huh?

"Because you're dating?"

"Oh. Oh yeah no he's cool with it. Don't worry about him."


"Actually... Speak of the devil. He's calling me right now. I'll be over in a few, ok?"

"Ok. Yeah."


Not awkward at all. My mind races about what might happen. Yoongi is coming over. Fuck. Should I dress nice? Do I shower? I'll brush my teeth at least. Yoongi knows me better than anyone so it won't matter what I look like. But I can't look like a blubbering mess when my ex is coming. Before I have time to do anything, I hear a knock at my door. Fuck.

I rush down the stairs in hopes that my parents won't do anything. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough when I found them greeting Yoongi at the door. "Jimin! Why didn't you tell us that Yoongi was coming? We could have made some food or dressed better!" My Mom exclaims and laughs, Yoongi and Dad joining her.

"No need Mrs. Park! We're like family. You don't have to dress up for me." He smiles that gummy smile, the one that I loved. The one that I love. I go up to him and hug him, surprising him and my parents.

"Aww I'm glad you two made up. It was about time." I let go and Yoongi smiles at my Mom's comment. "Are you and Jungkook friends? I bet you guys hang out all the time!" Yoongi looks at me confused so I pull him upstairs before anymore questions start.

"Yeah great friends!" I yell at the top of the stairs. We enter my room and I cringe, knowing I should have cleaned up. He takes in the sight of dried up tissues everywhere, my bed sheets all over the floor, my desk a mess.

"Wow." Was all he said. I blush in embarrassment and start to clean up a little. "Do they not know about Jungkook?" He whispers while joining me and cleaning my desk.

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