Paper Hearts

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Jungkook's POV

Jin and I climb down the tree after talking and I know he tried to help me out, even though he was hurt too. The problem is, it didn't ease any pain. I know there's only one person who can truly make me feel better.

"Goodbye Jin!" I wave at him as he walks in a different direction than me.

"Bye Jungkook!" He waves back and heads home. I start to think about all the things that were said between Jin and I.


"Jungkook..." I look up from my arms. "Are you... Planning on reconciling with Jimin? Ever?"

I think about all the times he's hurt me. Ever since the beginning he hurt me. He played with me and then ditched me for his ex, only for me to learn that they made out and he kept it a secret. Then he punched one of my best friends to make up with me. And knowing full well I hate dishonesty, he kept lying about Namjoon and himself. I have no idea why I keep forgiving him. All I feel is heartache.


He looks shocked and quickly tries to cover it up. Wow he's bad at that. "Are you sure? 'Cause I don't want you to think that I'm favoring him or that I'm not considerate of your feelings but... You guys had a nice thing going..." He reaches out his hand and places it on my arm, softly rubbing it while giving me an unreadable expression.

"I'm sure." I shrug off his hand and try not to cry anymore.

"You know that I'm always here right?" I nod.

"Yeah I know."

~End of Flashback~

I make my way back home, crying the entire way. I hate this feeling. The feeling that you did the best you could but it still wasn't good enough. My tears continue to fall as I make it home.

I land on my bed thinking about whether or not to call him. He was a jerk before but I've forgiven him. I reach for my cell and hesitantly dial his number.


Shit what am I doing.


He probably doesn't want to talk with me.


I need to hang up. Like now.

"Jungkook?" Fuck.

Stay calm. Stay calm. I clear my throat before I begin. "H-hey Lucian how's it going? I just wanted to call and ask how you were doing and-"

"Are you ok?" I don't respond. "Are you drunk? Is that why you're calling me?"

"N-no! I'm not drunk! I told you I just wanted to see you and-"

"Is this about Jimin?" I gulp. "What did he do to you?" His tone instantly changes and I feel a little scared even though we are talking through the phone.

"Well... Um..."

"Did he hurt you?" Before I could even respond he says, "I'm gonna kill that cocky asshole."

"No! Stop Lucian we just had an argument.... We broke up..." He stays quiet. "Could you-"

"Yeah I'll fly over."

"Ok but maybe we could talk first?" I say hoping I don't sound desperate.

"... Of course... let's talk." I breathe out deeply. "What happened?"

"He... He was the guy who saved me but he lied about it and his friend was the one who robbed me and he lied about that too and his friend lied to my friend and they were dating but now they're not and-"

"Ok ok slow down.... You know who robbed you?" I nod but suddenly stop when I realize he can't see it.


"And you won't tell the police?"

"No. He really loved Jin so I'm sure he got enough punishment when they broke up."

"And Jimin? Did he get enough punishment?" I start to cry again at the mere mention of him. "Woah hey I'm sorry. It's too soon."

"N-no it's ok. I'm just. I'm sick."

"You're also sick?"

"No! I'm just sick of... I'm sick of making things worse. I'm sick of being hurt. I'm sick of crying myself to sleep, of hating everything, of faking a smile. I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm sick of letting people down. I'm sick of... Being me." He doesn't say anything. "What did I do to go through all this heartache?" Still no answer. "Answer me!" Silence. "Whatever, you don't know how I feel."

"Shut the fuck up." My jaw drops. "Trust me I know exactly how it feels. I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you. I know what it's like to wait for everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart. For everything to hurt so bad you just want it all to end. I know exactly how it feels."

I cry harder thinking that his heartache is probably because of me too. "So why is it so hard to move on?"

"Because Jungkook, sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad because it was the only thing that made you happy."

I sob harder. After a while of letting him hear me cry, I wonder if he's still there. "Lucian?"

"Yeah." He's still there.

"When did you become so wise?" He chuckles and I can almost picture him on his bed looking at the ceiling, phone in right hand.

"I don't know. Maybe it was after you left. I sharpened up because you weren't there to weigh me down."

I laugh harder knowing he's just trying to make me feel better. "So you'll come tomorrow?"


"Ok I'll see you tomorrow."


"... Bye."

I have had the BIGGEST writers block but I had to keep going. I really want to finish this book because I like it. ❤️

Sooty for the short chapter. 🙏 I hope you like it. It hit me in the feels. 💔💔💔😭😭😭

Make sure to vote and comment! Have a nice day lovelies. ❤️❤️❤️

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