You Know What They Say About Assuming...

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(A/N: I'm so sorry! That 👆 picture was supposed to be in the hospital chapter. 😔 oh well... Happy reading!)

Jimin's POV

"You thought he was dead?" Yoongi and Hoseok said at the same time.

I look at the ground, awkwardly and embarrassed that I jumped to conclusions. "W-well yeah because of the text, and how Hoseok was reacting-"

"Hoseok's dramatic. You know that."

I nod and Hoseok practically growls at us. "Well, also because of what happened with you..." I turn to face Yoongi and he looks down, avoiding my response.

"Well he's not dead, you don't have to worry." The new information brings peace to my heart and I'm glad that I didn't get back with Yoongi. That would have made things more complicated. Hoseok and Yoongi are talking about Jay when I interrupt them.

"Wait so, he went where?"

Hoseok puts his hand on my shoulder, being the dramatic that he is. "He went to Korea for the summer... With Lucian." I start to get a little dizzy but thankfully Hoseok had his hand on me.

"With... Lucian?" I want to cry. Right there in front of my ex and my other ex's friend. But I've showed enough weakness in front of them. "Excuse me. I need to go somewhere." I pass Hoseok and walk down the hall, in no rush. The elevator ding brings me back from my thoughts and I enter. The doors close and I wait for a couple minutes before I realize I didn't press the garage button. "Ha. That was stupid." I press the button and the elevator takes me to the basement where all the cars are. The garage air feels as cold as my heart is right now.

Jungkook and Lucian. In Korea. For the whole summer. Why do I only feel sadness these days? First Jungkook breaks up with me, then I thought he killed himself, and now I know that he left the country with another man. One that said he loved him. I grind my teeth and enter the car.

Honk. Honk. Honk.

I keep slamming my hand on the drivers wheel to let out my frustration. He's with Lucian. In Korea. For the whole summer. Every time in think about it, I get angrier, more frustrated. They're obviously dating. If they weren't when they left, they probably are now. They left for a whole fucking summer! And I did nothing about it. He probably thinks that I don't care about him anymore since I didn't come after him.

Honk! Honk! Honk!

Fuck my life. I turn the ignition and pay as I leave. Once I get home, I find the oh so familiar box of tissues and curl up on my bed, crying for different reasons now.


The days pass by in a blur. Everyone coming on different days to comfort me but I don't want their pity. It just deepens the hole that makes it easier to wallow in my self hatred.

Namjoon comes over today. They practically have a schedule and it pisses me off. I'm not some patient in the hospital like Jay. I just have a broken heart. Actually no, scratch that. I have a heart that was ripped to shreds.

(Knock Knock)

"Jimin! Hey." I don't even poke my head out from under the sheets to answer him.

"I don't need a pity party. Leave."

"Cut the shit Jimin. Get your ass out of bed and dress up. We're going somewhere." He turns around and leaves my room. I hear him moving around downstairs while I do as he says.

"Where are we going?" I ask, meeting him at our front door.

"Surprise." Was all he said. Where the fuck are we going?

We don't talk for the whole way there, only listening to my voice, joining the radio.

We arrive in front of an official looking building and he opens the door for me. "Is this where you work?" I whisper to him but get answered instead by the receptionist.

"Welcome back Namjoon. Is this Jimin?" He nods and she calls her boss, telling him we'll see him soon.


Well apparently, I came for a job interview. Perfect. Just fucking perfect. Even though the interview went bad, I had a chance to show my skills that impressed the boss. Namjoon said the interview went fine but I don't believe him.

He called me a couple days later, saying I got a job but I wasn't too happy. I just want someone to share the news with. But I know that person isn't here.

I can officially say that I have a job now and I should be happy for that right? I can now say I am an employee at Big Hit Entertainment, working side by side with one of my best friends.

Now I spend my days singing like I've always wanted to and right next door is Namjoon, fulfilling his dream to be a world famous rapper. But I have other things on my mind as the summer comes to an end.

I'm going to write a song for Jungkook. That's what I'll have for him when he comes back. Even if he IS with Lucian, he needs to know how sorry I am, how much he means to me and how lost I am without him. It's going to take a while to make a perfect song but I think I can do it.

Anything for Jungkook.

Sorry for the boring chapter. Lmaoo 😂😂

What do you think of the chapter?

Thanks for the questions guys! Even most of them weren't questions, they were funny. 😂💕

Have a nice day lovelies! ❤️❤️❤️

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