Shot Through the Heart and You're To Blame Part 2

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Yoongi's POV

"Listen Yoongi. I have a lot to tell you." I gulp and sit with him on the bench. "I've never told you about what I do before because it would result in you or other people getting hurt. You know those people that your parents warn you about when you were young? I guess you could say I am one of those people." I shift under his gaze, his tone scaring me more and more by the second.

"Um Jay.... You're scaring me."

He lifts his gaze from his shoes to my eyes, not bothering to hide his hurt emotions. "W-what? N-no. Yoongi I would never hurt you. Or let anyone else hurt you. I'm just preparing you so you at least understand why I did what I did."

I nod slowly and he continues. "There is this guy, James, and he finds lost kids barely out of middle school and he helps them out, give them shelter, the whole thing. When he gains their trust, he takes them in so they can fulfill their debt to him. After enough training, he makes them into the perfect criminals that also know how to defend themselves, with or without weapons." He takes a breathe, letting this all sink in. "Then he gives us some jobs that we need to do to get money. This could be that we steal from people or people hire us to do jobs. Either way, we get money. All this money then goes to James and he distributes the money back to all the people who contributed, while keeping some for himself of course. So that's how we get rich, how I know how to do what I do. And it's a really dangerous business... If anyone tries to leave, he blackmails his own people to keep them under 'his wing'. And that's why I made a deal to make sure I could love whoever I want and not have you or I get hurt."

I nod but I'm still confused. "For what in exchange?"

He takes another breath and continues. "Well Namjoon was one of the few people who had the balls to leave, disappear. And James got so mad because Namjoon was the best, his prodigy even. There were some rumors that he might inherit the business if anything happened to James. But, I guess we'll never know since he left."

"You haven't answered my question."

He grabs my hands in his. "Just don't-don't hate me." I grip his hand back and wait for him to continue. "Since James wanted Namjoon back, he asked me to find him..and I did. But I wanted something in return so... I had to give up Namjoon's greatest weakness. I had to give up Jin."

My heart stops as I listen to Jay. He had to give up Jin? What the fuck? "You asshole!" I abruptly pull back my hands from his and stand up. "Namjoon's a friend and you betrayed him! You... You..." Again I'm at a loss for words. But I know I can always use cuss words. "You little price of shit! You're lower than low!"

He starts to break down and cry in front of me. A little part of my heart breaks with him but I ignore it. "Namjoon was the closest thing to a friend I could have had, after Jimin. Other than you but now I don't even know anymore!" I pace around thinking about how deep the shit we're in really is. "No! You need to fix this. You will tell Namjoon that we will help get back Jin. There's no other way."

He nods but no words come out. His sobs block the sounds that come out of his mouth, that somewhat resemble words. "I-I will. Just... Don't hate me."

He places his hand on my arm softly but I shake it off. "Yeah whatever." I start to walk away but Jay calls after me.

"You don't have to be a dick." I stop and turn around. "I poured out my feelings to you and you're making me feel bad because of what I did to make it possible, to make it safe for me to love you."

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