A Guilty Conscience Part 2

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(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated... Happy reading!!! ❤️)

Namjoon's POV

I pick up some bacon from the big serving plate with my fork and put it on mine.

"Well, to start off... I was almost robbed." I freeze after what Jungkook said and chew slower.

"W-what happened?" I ask. Jimin looks at me then grabs his boyfriend's hand as he says what happened.

"Well, I was walking home from school one day and some guy pushed me on the ground and threatened me with a gun saying that I needed to give him my money. I was about to comply but someone else came and saved me..." Wait... Someone came to save him? I look at Jimin and he slightly moves his head. I take that as a sign to keep my mouth shut.

"Oh my god! That's horrible!" Jin grabs my hand as he says that, and I can hear my heart break.

Everyone is busy giving their condolences and Jay and I are the only quiet ones. "So your dream was about that event?" I pipe up.

"Y-yeah... But in my dream, he actually... Um..." He looks down, on the brink of tears. "He actually killed me." He grabs on to his boyfriend's hands, knuckles white. I instantly regret making the sex joke earlier. This lie is getting out of hand. I glance over at Jay and he adjusts his sitting position, obviously uneasy. We've never actually seen the outcome of what we do.

"Let's do something to take our mind off this! Why don't we go to the beach nearby?" Everyone agrees but they are obviously still feeling down. We disperse and clean up, each going to their individual rooms. I stay behind to clean the dishes and Jin helps me. The last door closes before Jin speaks.

"I feel really bad for what happened to Jungkook. I mean, who would do something like that?" He almost breaks the plate in anger but I try to calm him down.

"Hey, it's ok. He's here now... Plus... Maybe they had their own reason... For doing what they did..." I look away ashamed.

"Are you serious? Robbing is low. Whoever did that to him will get what they deserve." I cringe at my boyfriend's harsh words. This is bad. Real bad.

"I mean, to steal from someone is a desperate act... So maybe they were in between a rock and a hard place, you know? They prob-"

"Why are you trying to defend him Namjoon? Our friend is still having nightmares because of that creep." I almost break down. Almost.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. Now let's go upstairs and get ready." We head up the stairs hand in hand and I can't help but feel like I'm scum. That I'm as low as they say.


~At the beach~

Jikook, VHope, Jin and Yoongi run straight to the water after putting their stuff down. Leaving Jay and I to set up the towels and umbrellas. It was a pretty day out and I wanted to rush to the calming seas with my boyfriend but I knew that Jay and I needed some alone time. We sit down next to each other on the towels and face the ocean.

"What are you doing here Jay?" Silence. "Did they send you here?" More silence. "I meant what I said when I told him I wanted out."

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