A Guilty Conscience Part 1

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(A/N: That's Jay👆 😊 Cute right? Happy Reading!)

Jungkook's POV

It was dark, too cold out to walk slow. The footsteps are echoing behind me. I look back constantly but no one is there. I start to run. The footsteps are faster but the emptiness behind me only scares me more. Who is that? I run around the corner and duck behind a trashcan. No one passes by, confusing me more. The fear is building up and has no where to go. Someone grabs me from behind and throws me on the ground. I look up and it's the same masked villain. Why do you continue to haunt my dreams? I'm so done with this. He starts yelling incoherent words and all I do is cry. He points his gun at me but this time it's pointed at my forehead, the cold metal touching my skin, threatening to take away my life with a single click. The never ending tears are blurring my vision and I can't say anything. I can't beg for my life, I can't call out for help, I'm useless. Whatever he plans to do I welcome it.

The assailant stops yelling and I can tell it will be over in a few seconds. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me and he takes the gun away but the masked assailant still pulls the trigger. The gun goes off next to my ear and I scream in pain. The ear splitting sound deafening me and I feel the blood trickle down the side of my cheek.


I look around finding only my savior protecting me again. But I don't see anyone calling my name. The fight before my eyes gets worse as this time, my hero is taken down and he lies on the floor unconscious. The criminal comes towards me again and slaps my face, continuing to yell.


My sobs are uncontrollable.


The cold metal pressed again to my skin and I know there is no one else to help me. The last thing I hear is the slight click after I scream.

"Jungkook!" I wake up covered in sweat with tears rolling down my face. I frantically look around for Jimin. I can feel him cup my face, wiping away the tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't see him however since my eyes had not adjusted yet.

"Jimin?" Relief. That's all I feel now as I hug my boyfriend tight. "Jimin! I was so scared..." My tears threaten to fall again as I bury my face in his shoulder.

He rocks me back and forth while shushing me. "Hey, it's ok." He strokes and plays with my hair, hugging me in tight. "What happened?" I don't answer him and give in to the tears. "Was it a nightmare?" I nod into his chest.

"I-I had this dream where I got robbed again. *sobs* I had this dream before but the guy saved me. This time, *sobs harder* he didn't." He waits for me to continue. "He went down and the guy killed me." His grip around me tightens.

"...You probably have PTSD..."

"What's that?" I pull away to look at his face. Or his silhouette at least.

"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." Yeah that's probably it.

"Why now though?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know." He rocks me in comfortable silence.


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