Yoongi and Jay Part 3

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(A/N: Holy shit!!! 3K reads!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 THANKS! I really didn't think people would like this story but... Anyways, this chapter is mostly for my babe, Rae. Happy Reading! 😊)

Yoongi's POV

I'm so bored. Fuck my life. I feel my phone vibrating and I choose to wait a little before answering. Then I actually check who it is and my heart leaps.


"Y-yeah... Um do you think that maybe... You could come over?" He is actually calling me to come over. That means... "If it's not ok with Jay then-"

"No that's fine. Wait, why do you care about what Jay thinks?"

"Because you're dating?" Shit. I forgot.

"Oh. Oh yeah no he's cool with it. Don't worry about him."

"Ok...?" My phone starts vibrating again and I check to see who it is.

"Actually... Speak of the devil. He's calling me right now. I'll be over in a few, ok?"

"Ok. Yeah."

-Call Ended-


"Yoongi! Listen. I have an idea. How about today we-"

"Actually Jay... I'm sorry but I have plans." With Jimin.

"W-what do you mean?" Should I tell him?

"Jimin and Jungkook aren't together anymore and Jimin wants me to come over!" That's the only explanation as to why he'd call me first.

"Oh... Ok..."


"Y-ye-" beep.

Now I need to look good. I quickly change and run over, not bothering to hide my excitement or desperation.

I arrive at the Park residence and am greeted by his parents. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Park! How are you?"

"We're great! I haven't seen you in a while Yoongi! How have you been?" Yoongi's father answers for them.

"Great!" Then we spot Jimin running down the stairs.

"Jimin! Why didn't you tell us that Yoongi was coming? We could have made some food or dressed better!" His Mom exclaims and laughs, his Dad and I joining her.

"No need Mrs. Park! We're like family. You don't have to dress up for me." I smile at her to show my sincerity. Then Jimin and I hug, surprising all of us.

"Aww I'm glad you two made up. It was about time." He lets go and I smile at his Mom's comment. "Are you and Jungkook friends? I bet you guys hang out all the time!" Wait what? He pulls me upstairs before anymore questions start.

"Yeah great friends!" He yells at the top of the stairs. We enter his room and I take in the sight of dried up tissues everywhere, his bed sheets all over the floor and his desk a mess.

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