So Much Undeniable Tension

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(Get the title? 😉😉😉 If you don't... Comment. Happy Reading!😊)

Jungkook's POV

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."
I try to walk past him but he stands up and stops me.

"Jungkook, please tell me what I did wrong."

I glare at him. "So you think it's ok to kiss your ex after you finish a date with the one you supposedly love?" He freezes. "I didn't think so." I take this opportunity to walk to my door and open it up.

"Jungkook I-"

"Don't even say anything. I can't believe anything you say! You're so full of shit, it's hard to see the truth!" He looks like he's gonna cry. At least it's not me.

"Can't you believe that I love you? Jungkook, you mean the world to me, kissing Yoongi was a mistake! I would never hurt you on purpose!" Ha.

"Didn't seem like you were regreting it then, so why should I believe it now?"

"Forget it, I don't know why I even bother. You've never said how you feel, so how do I now this isn't one sided?"

"You really are a dumbass aren't you? That's why I'm hurting so much! Because of how much I love you!" Even though I was yelling at him, he was grinning like an idiot.

"You love me?" He comes closer.

"N-no. I n-never said that." Fucking stutter.

"You love me." He puts his arm around my waist and is now inches away from my face.

"N-no. Don't you dare kiss me! I'm still mad at you!" He chuckles and leans in anyways.

My heart explodes as our lips make contact. I try to push him away anyways because he can't think I'm that easy to persuade.
"Mmmm" He says no and keeps the contact as we slowly walk in my house. He slams the door and takes the keys from my hands to throw it away. I don't even care at this point where my keys are. This kiss feels too good. I moan into the kiss and he chuckles but doesn't stop. Instead he takes it further by lifting up my legs and slaming me against the wall.


"Shit, are you ok?" He looks at me with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." And he continues the kiss. Our crotches are touching and I take this as an opportunity to make him moan. I push my hips towards him, grinding his crotch midair. "Fuck, Jungkook, don't do shit like that. You can make people go insane." He says into my neck while panting.

Instead of replying I kiss his neck and start sucking. "Ahh~ Jungkook" He bits his lip, eyes shut. I find his spot and make him moan like a good little boy.
"Mmmm, Jungkook... How do you know how to do that so well?"

I look up never breaking physical contact. "Shit. Don't look at me like that or else I won't be able to hold back anymore." I chuckle, moving to face him. I tilt my head a little as I say, "Who says you have to?" He picks me up, kissing my lips as he walks up the stairs, my legs still around his waist. "You don't know what you just said. I'm gonna make you feel so good baby, just you wait." He whispers in my ear as he lays me on the bed. I blush at the nickname he gives me.

Now he's on top taking off my shirt going to my jawline and leaves small kisses trailing down to my neck. "Ahhh Jimin!" My hands find their way to his soft hair as he's kissing my neck, right on the sweet spot as he's grinding on me. All of this once unknown pleasure flows through me as I moan even louder than before.

His kisses trail down my chest to my stomach and he reaches the edge of my pants. He teases me by licking and kissing the border of my jeans and I can't take this torture anymore. "Fuck Jimin! Just take off my pants already!" He smirks and starts unzipping my pants slowly, never taking his eyes off mine. He slips them off fast and takes his own pants fast. Then we just look in silence at each others boners poking through our boxers. "Fuck, you're big." Jimin looks me up and down. He climbs on top of me and starts to kiss me again while grinding. It feels even better than before since I feel everything through our thin boxers.

"Wait." He stops.

"What? Are you ok?" I smile at his undying concern.

"Yeah, I just wanna..." I don't finish my sentence but instead I flip us over as I'm on top. I kiss his neck as I start massaging his dick. "Jung..kook ahhh~" I love when he moans my name. "Keep saying my name baby boy." I use my own nickname on him as I trail down his chest to take off his boxers. His dick comes out standing tall and I instantly put my hands on him while licking the tip. "Fuck Jungkook!" His eyes are shut and his hands in my hair. I bob my head up and down giving him the pleasure that I will soon get. "Jung... Ahhh... Jungkook! I'm gonna..." I immediately stop and hover over him again. He growls at me for stopping at the best part. "Sorry babe. I'm going to have a little fun first." I smirk and go to my drawer to get some lube. I take it out and his eyes widen.

"Jungkook, I-"

"Shhh shh shh. It's ok. We will go as slow as you want."

Jimin's POV

I look at Jungkook unsure. Unsure if I even wanted to be bottom. I always thought that I was a top myself but... If Jungkook wants it... I'll do it.

"Ok... Come here." I move so that I'm in the middle of the bed but he nods his head no.

"My back will be on the bed." I look at him confused but he comes to the bed and lays in my previous position. He takes his two fingers and slathers his dick with lube. He starts pumping his own dick and that almost pushes me over the edge. I get into position hovering over his dick still unsure.

"Aren't Supposed to be behind me? Or something?"

He smiles and says, "I want you to be in control in case you feel any pain you can't handle." He's so thoughtful. Ok, i'll do it.

I slide down his dick slowly because it takes awhile to adjust to his giant cock. I bite my lip at the pain.

"Shit!" He moans. I know this is torture for him when I'm making it painfully slow. After about a minute I still haven't moved and he speaks. "I should have prepped you first. It's ok." He starts moving my body back up but I slam it back down. "Ahhh Jimin. Tell me when you're going to do that." He moans but I'm ready now so I start to move me hips back and forth. "Fuck.... Jimin ~ahhh~" I look at his face that is full of pleasure right now. My pain is slowly subsiding as pleasure takes over. I start to rock faster and I can't hold in any moans, nor do I want to. This time, I'm fully riding his dick to the moon and moans are all that can be heard throughtout the room. Maybe even thoughout the neighborhood. I am so close I can feel it. He unexpectedly thrusts into me hitting my prostate and I moan loud in response. "Fuck! Jungkook I'm gonna come!" He nods in agreement as he buckles under me trying to get deeper if that's even possible. "Ahhh shit" He cumes inside of me and I follow after. My cum spits out on his stomach and I feel bad. I get off of him and look for a towel to clean up.

"Jungkook I'm home!"

"Shit! My mom's here!" He says to me and my eyes widen. And of course I'm still naked.

Soooo my first smut 😒 Hope you enjoyed. 😊 I had to stop and keep going about 5 times because my mom kept asking me what I was doing, and I wasn't going to say, "Yeah I'm writting porn about those Korean guys I listen to."

Anyways, remember to vote and comment! ❤ Bye Lovelies!

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