Friday Part 1

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(A/N: Jungkook and Jimin are wearing those ⬆ outfits in this chapter. Happy reading! 😊)

Jungkook's POV

It's finally Friday!!! I'm so excited! I wake up to my alarm clock that is usually my enemy but today I just want to focus my energy on the first weekend since school "started". I wear a simple black shirt and white beenie with my oh-so-famous Tims.

My first week has gone great so far! I made a couple of new friends (one of them has a new boyfriend while the other is only unavailable in his mind) (A/N: Raise your hand if you can relate 🙋), going on a date today after school with a still mysterious guy AND I finally broke through that cold shell that Yoongi put up. I'm glad my life is turning around for the better. Yoongi was really hard to break through his social shell but I like to think I did. I try to ask him some personal questions but I don't get much out of it since he spaces out. I look back at the alarm clock and realize I should have left 5 minutes earlier. I practically run out the door to reach the bus but unfortunately, I run into someone.

"Ouch!" Oh shit. I knocked him on the ground. I look at who broke my fall but much to my dismay, he is wearing a mask. Why does this keep happening to me? At least I can see his brown almost orange hair. He smells nice too. Like cherry vanilla? No... That's not it... He's looking at me weird. Did I sniff too loudly? Shit I'm weird. "Can you please get off of me." I realize the position we are in as I get up. Wow, I was on him too long. He probably thinks I'm a pervert trying to "feel the goods".

He brushes off the dust from his body while I look at his golden hair sway in the breeze. He looks good. I blush as I notice we are matching shoes. He looks up at me and I'm caught. I need to learn how to be less obvious. Fuck you brain. "What? Did I miss a spot?" It takes me a while to register that he is talking to me and that I am still looking at him.
"N-No, I am just thinking..." I inwardly curse for stuttering.

"About what?"

"N-nothing, it-its fine" I look down trying to hide my blush.

"You shouldn't do that you know."

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