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Jungkook's POV

For the remainder of the vacation week, I didn't want Jimin and Yoongi to hang around each other because of the incident. However, Yoongi and Jay always did cute couple things and Jimin just happened to be around them when it did. This annoyed the shit out of me because I could tell it annoyed Jimin.

I decided it would be best to leave the vacation early and spend the rest of our break together, in between the sheets.

Of course they would deny it but I really don't want to have another fight with Jimin over this so I tell Namjoon directly that we are leaving. Everyone is in the living room right now while Namjoon and I are in the kitchen. Now's the time to tell him. "Namjoon?"


"I don't mean to be rude but the thing is... Jimin and I should go now." He looks at me confused. "We are going to spend the rest of break by ourselves." I hope I made it apparent and he seems to get the idea.

"Well at least stay in order for us to make cookies together." I look at what he was preparing and see the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. I smile thinking that's a wonderful idea.

"Ok! But let's make these cookies with just the two of us. I want it to be a secret." I whisper the last part and he laughs as we continue. To be honest, I didn't think I would have fun with the guy. I always thought of him as sketchy but not anymore. I put some of the cookie batter on my finger and pretend to eat it. Namjoon doesn't notice when I give him a sneak attack and put the same cookie batter on his nose.

"Hey!" He yells at me and tries to get a piece of batter on my face but I run around the kitchen table giggling. He chases after me and we go in circles around the table, almost knocking chairs over.

"You can't catch me-" I feel a strong force pull me back into his embrace and I try to kick and scream while laughing.

"Caught you!" I laugh but I fail at trying to escape. This man has a strong grip.

"Namjoon! Let me go!" He laughs and carries me with ease like I was a baby. He attempts to sit me on the table but changes his mind and carries me to the living room and drops me on top of Jimin. I laugh and you can hear Jimin go "oof". I land in a bridal position on top of Jimin and I wrap my arms around his neck pulling our cheeks closer so that they press together. "Jimin! You caught me!" He laughs and brings me close.

"What were you and Namjoon doing in the kitchen?" I pinch his nose and reply.

"We were making co-"

"Wait! They aren't done yet. They will find out soon." I smile and pinch Jimin's lovely cheeks.

"I guess you'll find out laaater." I say in a song songy voice.

"Fine." I laugh at his pouty face.

We snuggle together and watch VHope play a soccer video game. Tae wins and laughs in Hoseok's face.

We soon smell the baked chocolate chip cookies that Namjoon put in the oven about 15 minutes ago and we jump up and run to the kitchen. A chorus of praises fall to Namjoon and he gives a satisfactory dad smile. Jin gets so happy at his boyfriend for making deliciously smelling cookies and now he has a mom smile. Now that I think about it, they are like our mom and dad.

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