Yoongi & Jay Part 1

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(A/N: Yes I'm clearing it up now. 😊 Happy reading!)

Jay's POV

It had been a couple of weeks that I've been coming to this bridge. It's beautiful at night and it helps when I need to clear my head. I come extremely late so I am always alone to enjoy the city lights.

It hadn't been long before I saw a blond haired boy, younger than me who visited the bridge too. The first time I saw him I freaked out because I thought I was the only who came this late. I decided to hide behind a bench until he left. The problem was, he left almost 3 hours later. I crouched out of sight for the entire time and my legs were killing me. But if I came out now, it would look weird that I was there the whole time. After he left, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. God that was exhausting. I thought that it wasn't even worth it to look at the view anymore cause I was too tired. I went home and called it a night.

The next night, the same thing happened. Same blond boy, same amount of time, same bench. I felt like an idiot hiding in the shadows. But I couldn't be exposed. I stayed that way for a full week before I decided it was time to do something. I'm going to go talk with him and claim my spot back. The next night however, was different. There he was, standing in the same spot, the same time but something was off. After a couple of minutes I realized he was crying. I felt my heart rip at this stranger's tears. I don't know the kid. Why do I care?

That night he left early, allowing me to enjoy the view to relieve my work stress. The problem was that all I could do was think about him. Why was he crying? I left the bridge full of thought and started to come up with a plan.

Yoongi's POV

It had been a while since I started sneaking out of the house to go to the bridge. Always at night and always right after my abusive father went to bed. Just like clockwork, my dad started drinking at 7:00pm and passed out by 10:00pm. This gave me the opportunity to go out and clear my head, at least for an hour. But the hour usually turned into hours. That night was cold so I brought a bigger jacket than usual that had bigger, warmer pockets. Perfect for my small cold hands. I reached the bridge when I saw something on the railing. It was a letter and two heat packs. I look around, wondering who's it could be. There's no one here. I take off the tape that connects the letter to the pack, careful enough not to destroy the beautiful drawing of the Blue Jay on the front.

Dear blond boy,

      You will probably get really cold tonight so here's a present. I hope you like it ;)

I felt touched but also a little weirded out. For someone to know that I come here means that they've seen me come here for a while. That's disturbing. But if the person was here right now, I don't want him to get mad. If he stalks me, that means he's crazy. If he's crazy and he gets mad at me for not accepting his gift, I might be in trouble. I turn around slowly looking for anyone that could be there. I don't see anyone but then again, I never did before.

"Thanks for the gift!" I shout loud enough for someone close by to hear. I really am grateful. I immediately put the hot packs in each pocket and warm up my hands while looking at the view. Usually I think of my life, my parents, Jimin, but today I thought about the possible stalker. Feeling uncomfortable, I left after about half an hour.


The next day was another letter attached to a juice box. Same Blue Jay on the front but it had a different note.

Dear Blond Kid,

You should know that I used to hang out where you do but I don't mind that you use my spot. I figure that you might need it more than I do.

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