Meant to be

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Jimin's POV

I walk up to Yoongi and I can tell he's glaring at Jungkook walking away. This won't be easy. "Listen, Yoongi... I-"

"Save it. I know you chose him. I just don't understand why? We have more of a history and he doesn't know you as much as I do! Don't you see? We're meant to be." His words are almost convincing but I shake my head, as if to shake away my doubts.

"No, no you don't understand. Jungkook means a lot to me and he relies on me. Something that you failed to do." He stays quiet. "This is bigger than us. If we really were meant to be, then you would have trusted me enough to tell me what was going on in your life. But you didn't... And now we are here." I look down and squeeze my eyes shut to prevent tears from falling again. I was about to tell him that we could still hang out, but I felt him put his arms around me. God I missed these arms.

"What?" Shit. He pulls us apart and looks at my face. "I knew it. I knew you missed me."  He leans his head closer and closer but I push him away.

"No! Not like that!" I turn around and start making my way to class and I hear him behind me.

"Wait! Jimin that was a mistake I'm sorry! It was too soon." He reaches me and tugs a little on my arm but I keep walking down the empty halls. And now I'm late to class. He matches my pace next to me and walks to his first class with me. "Jimin. Jimin can you listen? I'm sorry." I keep walking. We reach my class and I'm about to enter but he pulls me back. I look up to glare at him but I see the upcoming tears in his eyes and my gaze softens. "Jimin, I just.... Really miss you... So much." He puts each hand next to my head on the wall behind me but doesn't try to kiss me. He puts his head down and I see a tear fall to the floor. He leans in to cry on my shoulder and I let him. He's obviously hurting too so I wrap my arms around his chest. I'm not going to my class any time soon so I take Yoongi to the nearest bathroom. I'm sure he doesn't want to cry in front of the rest of the school. We get in and I close the door behind us.

"I-I miss you too." I mumble and his face brightens up as he sniffles.

"Really?" He walks towards me but with caution. I walk towards him too and I hug him. I really do miss him. But we can't be together.

"Yoongi I want you to know that you can't keep doing this. We aren't going to date. I really do love Jung-"

"Don't say his name." His face darkens. "I-I think we could try friends. If.. If we must..." He looks away and I can tell he might start crying again.

I hug him again. I really don't want to see him in pain. "Thank you Yoongi. Really thank you.... And... Maybe you could.. Be friendly? with Jung-"

"I told you not to say his name." I sigh. "But yes, for you I could try to be friends with him." I hug him again with gratitude. I try to break the hug when he pulls me back in. "Just know that I will always be here for you... If things don't work out..." I breathe in deeply knowing that he might never move on.

"Yeah, yeah" I look away and start to head out the door. Before I leave I look back at him. "Things will get better.... I promise." I leave and make my way to second period, hearing the bell ring.


Jungkook's POV

I tap my shoes nervously as I look at the hands on the clock get closer to the end of third. What if Jimin and Yoongi talk and they end up getting back together? He wouldn't do that... Would he? No. No he wouldn't. Trust him Jungkook, that's what he said. Trust. The bell rings and I get my stuff together. I walk slowly to class wondering how to act around Yoongi. Should I talk with him? Should I ignore him? Ugghhh. I walk in my 4th period but Yoongi isn't there yet. I take my seat and start to regret that my back is facing the entrance. I won't be able to see him come in. Damn. Just act normal. I get out my hw from my bag and my notebook as well. I lean over to get my pencil pouch when I hear someone behind me.

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