Regretful Actions

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(A/N: Yes yes, another Lucian photo ❤ He just looks SO GOOD! 😍 Don't you agree??? Happy reading! 😊)

Jungkook's POV

We arrive at the mall and my mood instantly changes. I love the mall. We go to many stores and I know Lucian is done with me but he doesn't complain. That's one of the resons why I love him so much. My stomach grumbles at the counter while we're paying for Lucian's sunglasses. I blush a little cause it's so loud and of course he laughs.

"Are you hungry?" He tries to stop his laughter but I'm already mad.

"Yeah, let's just go to the food court." I mumble.

We get our food and find a seat. I start to tell him about my date with Jimin and I got to the part where he grabbed my leg and Lucian got serious. That's weird.Why does he care? He didn't care before... Then I tell him how I grabbed his leg after to seduce him.

"HAHAHAHA" Why the fuck is he laughing at that?

"It's not funny..."

"No... I'm sorry... It's just... I can't ... Imagine you... Seducing someone..." He says in between laughter.

"I'll have you know I'm great at seducing!" I'm so mad. I'm hot. I can seduce anyone.

"Maybe I think so because we've known each other most of our lives." He chuckles. Finally calming down.

"Maybe. Just agree that I'm hot."

"No." Oh he wants to play like this?

"I'm hot! Why can't you just admit that?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Ok, ok, you're hot." He says while looking at me in the eye. I pretend not to notice.

"Ha!" I laugh my victorious laugh.

We pick up our trash and make our way to the trash can. He puts his arm around me and my heart beats faster. *bu-bump bu-bump bu-bump* Shit. No. Not again.

Before I could even tell him to move, he was already on the ground. Jimin? Did he punch him?

He looks up at me in... Anger? Sadness? No.

"I - I -" He looks around and a crowd already gathered. Lucian stays on the ground looking up at him. "The thing is..." He puts his hand on the back of his neck. I look at the doors and the security comes through. Shit. Who called them? They get to us and grab Jimin's arm.

"Sir, could you please come with us." They also get Lucian and I follow them to the security office.

"Sir, do you want to press assault charges on this man?" He says to Lucian while pointing at Jimin.

"Yes." What?

"No!" I grab onto his arm and pull him to the side. "What are you doing? That's Jimin!"

"I know."

"What the fuck? Don't press charges on him!"

"Why? Because you like him? Look, didn't you say that right after he said he liked you, he ditched you for Yoongi? It's better if he's out of our lives. Believe me when I say he's trouble. Besides, i've been meaning to talk to you about something..." How does he know Yoongi's name?

"Not until you drop the charges." I cross my arms across my chest and tilt my face up, very aware of how childish I look right now.

He sighs. "Fine." We walk back to the table. "Never mind, i'll drop the charges." We turn around to leave while the guard uncuffs Jimin.

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